Recent content by URCNetCommunity

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    Need prayer for Business

    I need prayer to close the 3 Commercial Real Estate funding deals I have. My company has finally gotten to the level where I can begin making positive cash flow and I really need prayer to close the 3 current deals I have. This has been a long two year journey getting to this point please pray...
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    One of our Community has a VERY Sick Wife

    PTL she is getting better! Thx soooo much for the prayers. She had to go to a dentist and get some medicine specific for her head, mouth, face and after she took the first pill she responded almost immediately PTL!
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    One of our Community has a VERY Sick Wife

    One of our Community has a VERY Sick Wife and is not responding to treatment. It began with a simple chest cold, turned bad, and moved in to her face. The left side of her face is hurting her severely. She is in a lot of pain and the medicine she was prescribed is not helping. This has been...
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    Church website - Marietta, GA
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    Christian Clans/Organizations Database-Updated 04/30/06

    Site update for you List Site update for you List: {URC} USMC Recon Community (Unique Resource Community) Mohaa, BF2, CoD and the New Moh-Airborne as soon as it comes out. Most of our Military people are overseas so we have to focuses the...