Recent content by Valen

  1. V

    Grab Bag No. 1 - City Ranks and More!

    The city rank is such a neat feature. I just hope destro doesn't roll through our city. :P Order should be good at defense on our server by then yeah?
  2. V

    Warhammer Scrolling Combat Text

    Have to download these and try them out when I get home, thanks!
  3. V

    Man we were close! Tier1 Lair

    Way to go! :)
  4. V

    REM - high population servers

    Order as a whole is hurting in t2. I can't wait to capture our own keeps. :)
  5. V

    Redeemed Roster of Rank 10+ Characters

    Yeah, WP's are pretty much the true hybrid that lots of games had been looking for. We'll see how they scale with levels.
  6. V

    Forced Sabbatical

    Did you click the pony express option?
  7. V

    Shout Out

    Sixthed! FJ invited me! :)
  8. V

    Warhammer Tabletop?

    Anyone play the warhammer tabletop game? I just picked up Gotrek and Felix, the first omnibus so I could get a little more familiar with the lore. Was wondering if anyone was well versed in the warhammer world.
  9. V

    Standard Head Start

    Yeah, hurray for long days. At least I'm able to post on the forums here on my breaks at work :D
  10. V

    Tradeskill Thread

    Cultivating - Apothecary
  11. V

    cant find red eye server.

    Hmm, weird. Wonder if there was any downtime while you guys were creating your chars? I would suggest looking again every 15 mins or so. I've seen a server appear on the list that I didn't see listed before, and it wasn't mentioned on the welcome page for downtime. Also, I think there's a realm...
  12. V

    Standard Head Start

    It starts at 7am Eastern... I am in now, for one hour so far.
  13. V


    Yeah, jeez, I'm still not sure where I want to take Cultivating or Scavenging.
  14. V

    Anyone offended by our new cloak?

    What was the name of the mob that you guys killed? I don't think anyone is particularly offended by the cloak, and it is great to be unique and a show of one's battle prowess, but I don't think it would convey the proper guild image to others. I think it should be a personal choice to wear it...
  15. V

    Woohoo I have a discovery!

    That's rad. Yeah I downloaded the client after I saw how extensive the tracking was.