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  1. Angryson

    Funny Raiding video explanation.

    sounds simple enough. do people wipe to this?
  2. Angryson

    Don't shoot me, but who's going to GW2??

    "Because I can" -youknowwho My gaming life: > Have mac family growing up > Play Quake, Rainbow six, and number munchers like a baus > No other games to play. Buy PC for ultigaming. > awwyiss.jpg > Play Fable and Guild Wars whilst making fun of WoW-tards for constantly paying for game...
  3. Angryson

    How are you doin?

    ^This. If the timing isn't specifically written out in the lease, then default to your state law. I just had to do something similar to two tenant who were renting rooms out of my house. Thought they were going to be here till the beginning of next year and they up and left 2 weeks ago cuz they...
  4. Angryson

    What was the point?

    well we didn't add MORE guild leaders... we just replaced 2 of them. we still have 3 guild leaders and have always had 3
  5. Angryson

    Battle Tags

    For hax... Thx for the free uber weapons btw...
  6. Angryson

    Something new

    congrats homie
  7. Angryson

    GW2 Sauce. The Sauce Boss.

    über grats
  8. Angryson

    NEW CO-GL's!

    If you think I misspelled it, then you still don't know me very well ;)
  9. Angryson

    NEW CO-GL's!

    Thats right. Plural. Much congratulations to the new Co-Guild Leaders AZAMI AND BLUBARRY! With my term coming to it's full course, and Brootis needing to step down due to his family needing attention (who blames them, I'd want brootis all to myself too, but I digress...), Redeemed finds...
  10. Angryson

    Co-GL Election Time! - SPEECH!

    Time for the next step in our election process! We had 3 names who were nominated this time around. And at this point 1 of those nominees decided not to run. That leaves the 2 brave members who feel they can deal with Brootis, Kracer, and the shenanigans that are Redeemed gchat. They have...
  11. Angryson

    Co-GL Election Time! - Nominations

    Sorry. Haven't had the time to fix everything. Nominations are closed and its down to Azami and Blubarry. I will try to have the official candidate thread up by the end of sunday 22
  12. Angryson

    never had this much fun

    Glad we were able to "help" and that you're having a blast. That's what it's all about, ya?
  13. Angryson

    Back in my day... Game!

    lol mmo's? my bad, was a crude "barrel roll" reference. back in my day, max level was 20...
  14. Angryson


    For someone who's signature still contains mostly WoW content, you make little sense
  15. Angryson

    Back in my day... Game!

    Not sure what game you're talking about, other than the game of life... Back in my day, spinning your plane could deflect lasers.
  16. Angryson

    Hi Peeps

  17. Angryson

    Thank you all who helped!

    Glad you were able to accomplish what you set out to do!
  18. Angryson

    Co-GL Election Time! - Nominations

    The triannual clock has turned and it's time to for a co-Guild Leader election! To refresh everyone on what's going on, we have 3 co-GLs in Redeemed on a rotating schedule (kinda like U.S. Senators) so every 4 months there's a election for one of the spots. Thus, everyone will get one vote and...
  19. Angryson


    Didn't myself and others say that we were trying again tonight based on last wednesday?
  20. Angryson


    Tried logging into Vent to no avail. Does anyone know if it's been shut down already? Does it just need to be restarted? I'm downloading the Mumble Client as we speak. I have it setup on my Windows partition already from playing SWTOR, but I just need the info again for if/when I use it on my...