Search results

  1. Unfetered

    Legacy of Elijah Leadership

    I should be up and running soon will take me a bit to get used to the game but i will be full pvp and may later be able to fill in the pvp officer position.
  2. Unfetered

    Thank you all who helped!

    I wanted to come on the forums and thank everyone that helped me with my "The Noble" quest on Pastormike. It was a rough ride and long walks so I really want to thank Brass for walking across Desolace, Barrens, Thousand Needles with me just to plant some silly plants! He protected my level 8...
  3. Unfetered

    Need a new officer or dedicated...

    I am on Warson if any officers do get on as i get tired of /who redeemed all day and night
  4. Unfetered

    Looking for invite?

    I am on Warson if any officers do get on as i get tired of /who redeemed all day and night
  5. Unfetered

    Need a new officer or dedicated...

    I'll help if needed.
  6. Unfetered

    Looking for invite?

    Hey all Have about 3 of us on right now and last night looking to get invited into the guild. Are there any officers that are going to be on or can hop on?
  7. Unfetered

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for not following correct Wow revolution chart with dwarf - human - worgen in sig.
  8. Unfetered


    Or to use mumble on your IOS device instead.
  9. Unfetered


    I have to say quality of mumble on my iphone is pretty amazing! I set it up last night and was mainly just listening but man it is clear and being able to use a bluetooth headset with it is AMAZING!
  10. Unfetered

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for using caps in Banned to try to upstage me
  11. Unfetered

    How to gear a fresh 85?

    I can send what cloth i have for him. Who do i send it to?
  12. Unfetered

    4 billionth signup sheet...

    Rezlis hunter DPS
  13. Unfetered

    Looking to ignite our PVP spirits

    Hey all, I am wonder who i need to talk to in Redeemed about starting a position for PVP leader? PVP is the one thing in wow that keeps me coming back and from my time with Redeemed it is generally more Raid coordinated though I would like to get some Rated BG teams and some Arenas, Regular BG...
  14. Unfetered


    Heck im in for this when im not playing with Ewok. Ill whisper when i get my guy made.
  15. Unfetered

    Back to Wow I come!

    Hey all! Long time no talk! So Monoxyde and my new hunter Rezlis are back and kickin. So will be looking for an invite and some pvp! Planning on mainly leveling in pvp and maybe some instances if anyone get bored! Mainly playing Rezlis my 80 hunter so send me a whisper sometime!
  16. Unfetered

    Christian Gamers Alliance Counter-Strike 1.6 Christmas Server

    Just got counter strike on steam as my gift so might check this out soon. add me unfetered1
  17. Unfetered

    Steam trade: Need to trade someone a lump of coal

    Looking to do a steam trade for a lump of coal. Send friend request to unfetered1 God Bless
  18. Unfetered

    God is good!

    confirmed it this mornin. Can't wait!
  19. Unfetered

    God is good!

    You rock man. steamid: unfetered1
  20. Unfetered

    God is good!

    My guess is 32