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  1. J

    OLD - Whitelist thread

    Can you please add me to the whitelist? Minecraft User Name: Jackelope84 Real Life First Name (optional): Jason Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 26 Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): No How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: Googled Christian Mincecraft servers
  2. J

    L4D2 Profanity Filter

    Ruger, this is the download link from the original thread: Seems to be working, though I have no idea if its the latest version, and I read it may be broken by recent updates. Still, its worth a shot.
  3. J

    Too much profanity?

    Kind of a high pitched squeal? Yeah. It seems to happen in the Safe Rooms a lot. But I'm used to it...same thing happened with L4D1 with a sound mod installed. Never found an explanation for it, tho.
  4. J

    Prayer for job...

    Will be praying for you all, especially since I'm in the same situation as the OP.
  5. J

    Too much profanity?

    Downloaded the new ad-on with no trouble. I ran through the Passing campaign last night and it seems to be working just fine.
  6. J

    Too much profanity?

    I'll be happy to volunteer my time if you decide to outsource any future work. Just let me know.
  7. J

    Too much profanity?

    Hey Patriot, Just wanted to say thanks for this mod. I made my own profanity filter for L4d1, and was about to make a L4D2 version. So you saved me a *lot* of work. Thanks!