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  1. K

    this weekend

    lol well with swtor and wow both coming out with player housing... that's my limit. and i don't really play wow that much these days now with my work schedule. and tbh, all i have time for, game wise, is swtor.
  2. K

    Player Housing Coming Soon?

    they haven't said anything specific about guild flagships yet. but i imagine it will be "scalable" like player strongholds. you can buy a basic stronghold pretty cheaply, and expand it for more, etc.
  3. K

    this weekend

    hey guys and gals, i don't know how much i'll be on this weekend. mom is in town and we are going to the beach for some r&r lol. i haven't seen her in months so it's gonna be awesome :D i work nights so i'm used to being awake so if i can't sleep i'll probably hop on later on in the...
  4. K

    Player Housing Coming Soon?

    wowzers!! take a look at this!!!! player housing - "galactic strongholds" on multiple planets, with Legacy Stronghold Storage – Unlock access to a new type of storage that is shared across your entire Legacy! YES YES...
  5. K

    Flashpoint Friday

    yay! and a good reason for me to check in with everyone... i've got a new job about a month ago. one that i REALLY REALLY like, but it's been an adjustment for me in hours. better news is starting next week i'll be going to a 4-10 schedule. mon-thurs 2:30p to 1a, but i have fri, sat, and sun...
  6. K

    I'd like to roll horde

    my main wow toons are horde, rivendare (pvp). i have a guild there, blood ties, it's social but not very active atm. we aren't a dedicated Christian guild, but my best friend and i are both Christian and are the guild leaders/admins. we mostly pvp or do a lot of the side/mini games (i.e. pet...
  7. K

    Redeemed 2014

    hi all, thought i'd drop by and introduce myself. i'm currently playing swtor with Kahiel, Aleron, direpath, etc, but i also have a semi-active wow account. i'm on the rivendare server (horde side), in a not so active social guild. if anyone wants to join us just gimme a hollar. i'll probably...
  8. K

    Bounty Broker's Association is Back

    i'll be there, at some point during the day/evening. if i don't answer right away i'll apologize right now... sometimes i que up and go do chores while i wait for it to pop lol. gimme a hollar and i'll tag along for some bounties :D
  9. K

    Sneak Peak at New Space Expansion

    wow, i haven't had any issues, thank God. i spent the night with my best friend watching tv and catching up on the day. took a little nap this afternoon so i'm wide awake atm... so i'm gonna hop on and play some lol. don't know how long i'll last tho. i'm not as young as i used to be lol.
  10. K

    Sneak Peak at New Space Expansion

    i was on earlier today and checked out the new space pvp. it's quite fun actually, and at least from what i can tell so far it's pretty deep. three different styles of ships, upgradable, your crew (consisting of your companions, as well as additional NPCs specific to the starfighter) gives you...
  11. K


    i got my laptop back, yay!! had to spend all afternoon and overnight downloading swtor, wow, iTunes, etc... but i'm all set and ready to go! i'll be in game off and on throughout the weekend. hope to see everyone on sometime soon! :D
  12. K


    hey i'm able to play quite well on my older PC. so i'll see you all in game today! :D laptop has been sent off to the shop for repair, now just waiting for it to be returned. just in case anyone was curious :D
  13. K

    question re: WoW

    i'll probably end up just playing WoW to obsess over the garrison thing... i don't like the PvP in it's current state in WoW. honestly some of the decisions they're making seem like they are desperately trying to get avid PvE'rs more into PvP by buffing the gear (or more like nerfing the PvP...
  14. K

    question re: WoW

    lol i know right? i don't have enough time to play SWToR as it is... but the garrison (which i haven't read up much on) sounds very interesting. basically player housing of some sort from what little i have read. i REALLY REALLY REALLY hope BW is planning on something like that for SWToR, and...
  15. K

    question re: WoW

    what's with the transmog and heirloom changes? i haven't seriously played WoW in probably a year... and i'm not really keen to start up seriously playing tbh. not a huge fantasy genre fan, except for books lol. much prefer sci fi :D just wanted something to do while i wait for my other...
  16. K

    question re: WoW

    does anyone here play in the CGA or ToJ guild for WoW? i currently have a full server of toons on a dead server, and i haven't actually logged into WoW in months, but the new expac is supposed to have some sort of player housing. thought i might check it out, but would want to play with some...
  17. K


    i know right? only problem is... it didn't fix the problem. so they're sending it off to the tech center... so it will probably be sometime next week before i'm in game on a regular basis. i might try logging in on my older PC, but not sure i can do much more than craft lol.
  18. K


    i have a tech coming out sometime tomorrow, so we'll see. hopefully this will fix it and i'll be back in game tomorrow. :D
  19. K


    hey i'm having a computer issue at the moment so my in game time will be null for a few days. :S the tech guys think my motherboard is bad and they're sending out a tech to replace it. good thing is tho, it's still under warranty and i won't have to pay for anything! i'll be back in game...
  20. K


    hey, thanks! i have cybertech maxxed out to 450, and i'm currently working on getting each schem maxxed out to artifact level as well. i have (i think) every armor and mod maxxed to artifact level. working on earpieces right now, then i'll conquer the droid parts lol. still working on getting...