Search results

  1. D

    Puzzle Quest

    Just got Puzzle Quest. :) Picked it up at Target. I used to have it for the DS before I traded mine in. Anyways, it is a great game for those who like puzzle games and a little rpg. :)
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    Thinking of picking up UT3?

    Hey guys Just wanted to know, Is UT3 good? :) I enjoy the fps/mp games now more and more. TF2 is great and I almost picked up UT3 this morning but I didn't just wanted some opinions. :) Thanks!! I am trying to get away from the pay to play games.
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    Newb here :) Just got TF2, so please don't slaughter me right away LOL

    Okay I have a steam account its devine_ministry So if you could give me an invite into the tribe that would be great. :) Thx.
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    Wanting to join :) Semi-newb here :)

    Hey sorry I haven't followed through here yet, been having alot of other RL things come up lately. :) So needless to say I am going to try to make a toon today hopefully on the server and join up. Looking forward to seeing ya in game.
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    Hellgate London Guild

    To create one yes unfortunately so if we get enough ppl interested I would be willing to fit the bill :)
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    Hellgate London Guild

    Hey guys, I am looking to start up a christian (kinda ironic for this game) guild for Hellgate. Anyone on here wanna join? I am somewhat new to the game, but I thought we would get some games going. :) Let me know if your interested. Thanks!
  7. D

    Who is getting the expansion?

    I am going to pick it up in the next few days from wally world. I got a gift card for my b-day so I got a new video card at CC, and I am going to walmart to get some games. :)
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    Hellgate: London

    I just purchased it today. :) Let me know what and when your on and I will see if we can group up.
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    Newb here :) Just got TF2, so please don't slaughter me right away LOL

    hey guys, I just bought TF2 so I am in the process of installing so I just wanted to say if you see someone on running around like a losed pup that would probably be me. :D
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    Woot got b-day stuff :)

    New Graphics card Geforce 8600 Hellgate London TF2 Indiana Jones (LEGOS) [The game of course]
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    Wanting to join :) Semi-newb here :)

    Hey guys, I have been on and off of wow since release, but due to RL priorities I never really had time to devote alot to it. Things have calmed down alot since then and I am wanting to jump back in. I will be rolling a new toon on the server, so I hope that isn't a problem. :) It...
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    A Wii confession!! :)

    Yeah I couldn't believe it either...and there was no MAD RUSH to buy them out either...wierd...even Walmart had about ten in there Electronics area this morning, when I went browsing on my break. Wierd very very wierd...I think I am in a wierd time warp where the Wii is...
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    A Wii confession!! :)

    I know some of you will probably tell me I am insane, but I went to target and they have about 20 Wii's in stock (no mad rush or anything for them) there they were just sitting there. Well, you know I want one so bad, and I immidiately called my wife and said they had Wii's and would she mind...
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    A good beginner build

    Hey guys what would you all think of an Elem as a good beginnger profession to learn from or maybe a ranger. I like my Warrior, but its just seems there is alot more down time for him...anyways opinions welcome :)
  15. D

    Looking for good deals on GBA FF games!!!

    Hey guys! I am a big FF fan and I am wondering if anyone knows of where I could get some good deals on the GBA version of FF I and II, FF IV, FFV... Thanks!
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    TS server help please! :)

    I am sure this is posted around here somewhere, but what is the "Official" unofficial SoE/SOE Teamspeak server that is most commonly used...i am on the official cga server but I think I read somewhere there is a main for SoE or SOE.
  17. D

    Looking for some good guides! :)

    Hey guys! I am looking for some sites outside of "Wiki" that offer some good guides for all the chapters....also is it worth getting the e-guide from Prima on the Prophecies and Fanctions campaign???
  18. D

    Game suggestions for the Nintendo DS??

    Hey guys! I have FFIII and "The New"Mario Bros so far, and I am wanting to make a list of some of the "best" games for the DS that anyone should list away. :) I myself prefer RPG and the Mario Games.
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    Woot! Finally a Nintendo DS Lite!

    I know you all are thinking what?!? Yes, my wife and I finally snagged a Ds Lite. After playing a demo of the New Mario Bros. She wanted one, and well I couldn't say no to a game system that sported such titles as FFIII and Yoshies Island, Mario and Luigi:Partners in Time..etc. :) I must...
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    Special in game music?!? Help!

    How do you get it to download properly and install? I am having trouble with Battle Pak 1 and the Nightfall CE special music :)