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  1. URACorpse

    Server Address

    Is the server address still ""? My old brain can't remember for sure. :0
  2. URACorpse

    Just a question....

    When does everyone play and where now? When I get on to play (usually in the evenings) I'll check the GFC server and if anyone is on I will come in. Otherwise I'll generally go to either the big or dm CC source server.
  3. URACorpse

    The Furthest Post

    I may not have been first but I'll bet I'm the furthest. :)
  4. URACorpse

    Just got a few minutes.......

    This is my first time on the internet since I got over here. First thing I did is e-mail Red of course. :) But the very next thing was to get on the forum and take a quick look. I'll try to give you all a quick update on what's going on for me. We flew over here but on the way got rerouted...
  5. URACorpse

    Before I go

    I just want to take a minute to say a few things. As some of you know by now I have recently retired from the Army and will be going to Iraq to work for about a year for the military as a civilian. While this means I won’t be able to play CS online for that time I will still try to visit the...
  6. URACorpse

    Buy Script

    For anyone who wants a buy script either to use or as a guide for their own, here is mine. It includes at the end a nice walk/run toggle that I found. To use it just copy and paste into notepad and save it to your cstrike folder with any name but with the .cfg extension (NOT .txt!!!!). Then open...
  7. URACorpse

    Prayer for Friday

    Please keep my family in prayer as I have a job interview this Friday. Don't pray that I get the job, rather that God's will is done in either closing this door and opening another or by my getting it. Without going into too much detail, this job will bring a lot of change to us for about a year...
  8. URACorpse

    2 Requests

    I have two prayer requests. One is for my father and stepmother. My stepmother recently broke her knee cap and I just found out today that she has now suffered a stroke. I spoke to my father and he is taking it very hard. The second is for me to find a job. I will be retired this February 1st...
  9. URACorpse

    Server Rules?

    This may be a stupid question but what are the server rules other than the ones that show up when you first join the server? Two that I've heard of are: "no awps if you have a 7 point lead", and on the new server 2, "no camping on this server, it's against the rules". I can and will live with...