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  1. Abishai

    Joining for the First Time :)

    Hello I'm Chad. My Character is Arkai Ittite (Warrior/Monk). I have just started playing GW last week. I have done just a bit of PvE. No PvP yet. I live in Alabama. I look forward to getting to know you all better and having a great time in-game! btw, how do I join the Guild in-game?
  2. Abishai


    I will be leaving WoW permanently. As many of you know I have been off and on quite a bit. I have finally decided that I need to focus on other areas of my life and need more time to do so. I want to thank all of your for your friendship and support over the months that I have been a part...
  3. Abishai

    Healing Gear for Paladin

    Since I only have 48 posts, I've decided to try and catch Tek7:rolleyes: What is the best healing gear for a Paladin? Abishai is currently lvl 50 but I've decided to work on him again. I've focused on Holy as primary talents. What are other Healadin's wearing? I suppose I could look this...
  4. Abishai


    Who plays Landron?
  5. Abishai

    Chat Capabilities

    Does this site have any chat capabilities? I know that most members have IM addresses. But I can't use IM with this particular computer. I might be able to chat if this website if it has the capability.
  6. Abishai

    Toon Tags

    While I was away, I deleted my WoW Reader toon tag scripts. :( Can someone give me the script again? Thanks. Also, the script might be added to one of the stickies. :)
  7. Abishai

    Set Up for Ventrilo

    I'm not sure I know what I'm doing wrong but I can't seem to get Vent set up correctly. Can someone walk me through the setup? Thanks! :rolleyes:
  8. Abishai

    Hello From Kuwait

    Hi Everyone, I'm still doing time in Kuwait, but have less than 2 months left. I can almost see the end from here. Sorry I left so abrubtly but felt I needed some time away from WoW. It has been helpful in my walk with Jesus as I have more time now, but I do miss you guys! I often got...
  9. Abishai

    New Pally Talent Distribution

    Hey all you Pallies, I'm wondering what you all did with the opportunity to redistribute your talents. I haven't had a chance to get on and do my redistribution. I would be interest any suggestions. Although I'm not on as much anymore. (still have internet connection problems here.) I...
  10. Abishai

    Abishai's Note

    Hi All, We have been having some major internet problems here in Kuwait. So I haven't been on WoW for a while. Some have asked me to post a note here. For those of you who don't know me. I'm Chad Maxey, a chaplain with the US Army. I'm deployed here with a Transportation Group. We...