Search results

  1. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Back in action

    Hello Redeemed, A while ago I wrote saying my stay in Redeemed was over and I retired from the game due to numerous personal problems going on in my life. To make a long story short, I have rerolled Berius as a pally and have been playing for a couple of weeks. I really enjoy the game and I...
  2. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Guild Bank & Goldfinger

    Greetings MSC players, I have quit WoW tonight have have sent some items I thought may help out the guild and sent them to Bankmsc. Whowever is responsible might want to log in and get the goodies I sent the bank. I'll miss my horde guy. too bad i didn't play much of him later on. It was fun...
  3. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Farewell Tour

    Well, I believe its time for me to move on friends. I haven't played very much lately, mainly because I feel God is calling me to different things. I don't have much time anymore between grad school and other things. I've lost interest in the game over the past few months. I feel like I had been...
  4. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Expansion ?'s

    Ok so I have a few questions regarding the new expansion for WoW. 1) Will redeemed be a guild on the new expansion or how does that work? Will there be a new guild just for the expansion? 2) Would I be able to send mail to a new toon? for example I really want a draenai pally so would i...
  5. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    LFG Deadmines

    Savedhunter needs to do VC, and I also have about 3 other DM quests to get done. He's a lvl 21 hunter and I'd like to get a group of 4 others around that lvl. Any takers? Thx a bunch!
  6. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    LFG Stockades

    Berius has four quests to do in the Stockades and I really would like to get them done this weekend sometime. I've had these quests for a long time and I really want to lvl him up. So with that being said, is there anybody that could help me out? It doesn't have to be a Lvl 60 run through. If we...
  7. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    New Global Barrens Chat

    I mean the global LFG channel :) I'm just curious...what do you guys think about the new LFG channel? I find myself having to leave it alot. It may be a nice idea but people are abusing it. Whatcha guys think?
  8. [DaRtH] IrIsH


    Finally!!! just 10% more to go!!!!!
  9. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Classes Needed by Guild?

    Hey guys I was wondering about something. I've been bouncing around with different toons and was wondering what classes are needed by the guild? I'd like to contribute to the guild and one of the best ways to do it, as I see it, is to fill any needs. So is there any classes Redeemed need more of...
  10. [DaRtH] IrIsH


    Well, after a few months, I have finally settled on a toon to focus on. Being a newb at RPG's in general, I have played with all the classes and found out i like being a hunter the best. My main guy's name is Seismic and i look forward to him joining the guild and questing with you guys. Cya...
  11. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Shadow Priests?

    I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to best spend talent points to develop a great shadow priest for PVP. thx a bunch.
  12. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    WoW mods

    Hey I was thinking about getting some useful mods for WoW but have no clue what to get and what's the best mod out there. I'd really like to have an AH mod and anything else out there that would help me out. Anyone have any recommendations? Thx a bunch since i have no clue what i'm doin.
  13. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Talent Questions

    Hey Guys, I have a bunch of talent points for my lvl 21 warrior and for my lvl 12 warlock that i have not spent yet. I don't really understand how to spend them. for example, do I focus on one area, such as affliction for my warlock, or do i spread them out over the other three areas. I've...
  14. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    In-game ministry opportunity

    Hey guys how's everything? I thought i'd drop you a line and tellya about something that happened saturday night. I rolled a priest and was in elywin (i know that's mispelled) forest on my way to SW, where i just happened to catch on what was being said in the general chat. now i usually...
  15. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Serious Cenarius Action

    Hey guys just wanted to drop a line and say that i'm gonna be on cenarius alot this weekend. I have two characters: Goldfinger (lvl 21) and Fason (not in MSC yet), which i just started. so give me a holler and we'll quest. cya!
  16. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    WoW signatures

    hey guys what's up? I have a question about the WoW signatures some of your guy's have. how do you attach that thing in your sig that lets you view your character and his level and stuff? I registered at and downloaded something called wow reader. but i have no clue what to do...
  17. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Realm Question...

    Hey guys, i have a question about the realms. i tried to join the ones that you guys belong to but the game says they are full. So if i create a character in another realm, do all of the other characthers that i can create after that have to be in that particular realm also or can they be...
  18. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    new to WoW

    Hey guys what's going on? I just bought WoW today and just set up my account and i'm ready to login in for the first time. i've never played a MMORPG before. i was wondering how i could catch up to you guys in the game. any help or tips for noobs would be appreciated. thanks.
  19. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    Merry Christmas & a brief message (from our sponsors)

    Hey guys, merry Christmas!! I hope that everyone had a great day today. I was thinking about purchasing BF2 special forces as a kind of christmas present to myself (the second one actually) via the downloading off the ea web site. Is this add on worth it? I realize that our server is a BF2...
  20. [DaRtH] IrIsH

    membership in GFC

    Hey guys what's going on? Just wanted to know if membership in GFC is open for everyone and if so I would like to join. thanks.