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  1. G


    EDIT: EVEN ONE VERSE IS FINE! I do not expect you to do everything here... I am looking to collect a series of verses and compile them. Of course we know. However, there are those who don't. Now, let's assume we do not read or speak the language of the person we are talking with, but we have...
  2. G

    so... about war...

    I wanna know more. How's the content? Any mockery of God anywhere? As for the classes... what do you know regarding Ironbreakers?
  3. G

    Let blizzard know what you think.

    They introduced a new item in game, which drops off Kil'Jaeden. The name of this item is "Cloak of Unforgivable Sin". I see this as a massive insult to Christianity, and a direct insult to God. If you could, please submit a ticket about this in-game. The more people who speak out against the...
  4. G

    enhance shaman/prot warrior fo' sale.

    anyone wanna buy them? sick of this game, and haven't played it in a long time. both are fully epiced out.. something like 100 or more epics between the two, I dunno. shaman does stupid DPS, like 2000+ (I've pushed 2400 on vashj) sustained at times.
  5. G

    To Redeemed, past and present.

    I know when I was trying to lead raids in MC/BWL, I wasn't very nice to people. In fact, I was very mean to certain people. The Lord has put it in my heart to ask forgiveness from you guys, even though this was a LONG time ago and I already apologized in game. Not everyone got to see it. Some...
  6. G

    Zul'Gurub - Soloing.

    As a prot paladin... dunno, but you could probably work this strategy into it. As a warrior: Arlokk Develop a severe case of insanityMake 3 macros/castrandom Devastate, Heroic Strike/castrandom Shield Block, Revenge/target High Priestess ArlokkStack block value and rating. Get 2/5 Warbringer...
  7. G

    Isanity now.

    Serenity later.
  8. G

    You guys are doing awesome

    How's it going guys and gals? Anyone got any Habanero sauce? I'd like to come back someday if everyone's okay with that?:<
  9. G


    ahhhhhhhhh, sorry, I got disconnected and couldn't get back on for a few minutes. Maybe we should try the game? :eek:
  10. G

    Chef Gnomegeddon's "Insanity Now" recipe

    It's next week already! Now I'm gonna share this week's recipe: Insanity Now 6 fake sausage links (the healthy kind) 2 real sausage links (the unhealthy kind) 1 bowl of cinnamon toast crunch 1 bottle of powerade blue instead of milk Yeah, I don't recommend this... unless you put in...
  11. G

    Chef Gnomegeddon's "Cereal Killer".

    I think every week I will come up with a new, insane recipe to share with you guys. There will be poll options so you can vote, and let me know what you think of the recipe. :D Here's this week's recipe: Cereal Killer 1 HUGE bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, filled up with ICE COLD Milk...
  12. G

    Chef Daddygeddon's Omelettegeddon

    This morning my dad made me breakfast, and knowing how utterly insane I am, decided to make a... special omelette. Ingredients: 3 eggs 1/2 of a whole Onion, sliced and diced. 5 slices of habanero cheddar 1 teaspoon of 200-350k souville rating habanero sauce 1 handful of green peppers 4-5...
  13. G

    Chef Gnomegeddon

    So for breakfast, I had some orange juice... 2 glasses. I also had a bowl of Mint Chocolate Chip icecream... well, you see... I put about 350,000 souville rating habanero sauce in the icecream... and I liked it. I'm gonna call this the Gnomegeddon Icecream of Doom. Here's my recipe: 1 Bowl...
  14. G

    Blackwing Lair - Broodlord Lashlayer & Depression Room

    Here's a handy guide to prepare you for next week. Supression room: Once the depression room is cleared, and we engage Broodlord Lashlayer, it should look something like this: Mortal Kombat references ftl!
  15. G

    Negative DKP?

    If you have negative DKP on, send me a PM in game personally to talk about it.
  16. G

    Account Expired.

    I'd reactivate it, but apparently = 404. They better fix this. glare. :mad:
  17. G

    cant get in game...

    I got disconnected and am now being forced to download some weird update. 1.11 is already installed...:mad:
  18. G


    I don't know when I'll be back, but starting tomorrow I'm leaving the state to attend my grandmother's funeral.
  19. G

    Warriors, please read.

    Get 4700 HP, 370 defense... unbuffed stats. DO IT! Also, I only have two librams of constitution, so the first two to reach this goal will receive +100 HP to legs or helm. Those who already have equal to or greater stats are ineligible for this offer, or those who had it at one time.
  20. G

    An official warrior week?

    Seeing as how there's absolutely no tank gear droping in Molten Core, with the freak fluke incident exception of one, we should probably get together as a guild to gear up some of the lesser-geared warriors. They really need it. Running greens to Garr (with the exception of Stalwart Clutch and...