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  1. N

    Want to Participate in My Homework?

    To me, nurses are like the utility infielder of the medical system. Not too many parts of the system is without them and they are capable of filling in so many different roles. My understanding of what nurses do... Nurses administer simple medical procedures and prepare patients for more...
  2. N

    2008 Get to Know the Guildies Thread

    Name: Troy (Nev in-game) Age: 25 Occupation: Grunt State: Iowa Characters: Nevyn Zeddicus, Kentara Zeddicus, random PvP character usually something ending in "cupcake" Guild: SOE Protector of Tyria, Cantha, Elona, finished EoTN, Legendary Skill Hunter Goals: Max Delver, Sunspear, Lightbringer...
  3. N

    God, we thank you for....

    God bailed me out in a big way just these last couple weeks. I had ditched my car and was flat broke, $10 to my name. The tow company took that last ten and sent me on my way. I had no money for gas, food, nothing. I started praying as I finished deliveries on my paper route for anything...
  4. N

    Mitt Romney vs Mike Huckabee?

    I agree with parts of what both of you are saying. I think that, from a general welfare perspective (the economy being demolished as a result of natural disasters should be covered under that) it is the responsibility of the government to step in and assist with large scale reconstruction. I...
  5. N

    Mitt Romney vs Mike Huckabee?

    I've always been a very staunch small government kind of person, so I can relate to some of what Ron Paul is saying. Bottom line is this: it is not the responsibility of the government to bail people out of every bad thing that comes along. Yes, people need to help, and as Christians we should...
  6. N

    a 4th Topic is STARTED!!!

    So I got bored and unusually curious and decided to go back through this thread and determine how many times "secret" had been used. With a secret team of super secret finder-outters, I toiled for hours under strict secretiveness, not letting anyone know our secret mission. Using...
  7. N

    Mitt Romney vs Mike Huckabee?

    If anybody out there knows of a candidate that will abolish the welfare system, deport any and all adult illegal immigrants without question or delay, fine employers who hire illegals (knowingly or unknowingly), destroy the entitlement systems of Social Security and Medicare, supports a gradual...
  8. N

    1000 hours logged

    Across all characters I have logged 2,635 hours in 30 months. I took two breaks the past two winters. I have no life. Yay! My Ele has also died 4,111 times as of this post. Before the end of the week, I hope to eclipse 4,750 if only to give myself something to shoot for.
  9. N

    From Redeemed Honor and Love to one of your own!

    Mist, I have to disagree. In my section of Iowa, and by that I mean a 5-foot-radius around me, its soda. Messes with me when I go to a restaurant and I ask for a soda, they bring me this fizzy water stuff. And being from Iowa, I don't know if you'd quite be able to call me a Southerner, but I...
  10. N

    From Redeemed Honor and Love to one of your own!

    I shall never cease to be amazed at the different twists and turns y'all's threads take. There should be a disclaimer at the top of every thread "WARNING: Threads are only loosely bound to the original topic of discussion!!" I love it. I might not post all that much, nobody's going to throw...
  11. N

    a 4th Topic is STARTED!!!

    There was a secret?
  12. N

    a 4th Topic is STARTED!!!

    Mist, you aren't running for prez are you? that had all the makings of a good stump speech.
  13. N

    a 4th Topic is STARTED!!!

    Are you sure that's a cookie? it looks like a button. you shouldn't eat those. I hope those are butterscotch chips, chocolate is overrated.
  14. N

    a 4th Topic is STARTED!!!

    Stc, I humbly apologize for stealing your post. I have abdicated the position so that you may take your rightful place. May you treat post #95 with all the love and care that I would have bestowed upon it.
  15. N

    a 4th Topic is STARTED!!!

    I'm helping! Post 92! I wonder if I get something shiny for that?
  16. N

    HA Build Idea

    I've done PvP with you guys once, and I had a blast. There was no pressure to "be here, do that, when you're told, how you're told or else" that I've seen in almost every other guild I've been in. I don't get to play when normal humans do since I work second shift. For something as time...
  17. N

    a 4th Topic is STARTED!!!

    Woot! I shall begin dispensing the Arm and Hammer with utmost haste!
  18. N

    a 4th Topic is STARTED!!!

    Um, I was, can I join your Super Secret Society? I've got, um, soda, and um, yeah, I'm out. Just soda, take it or leave it.
  19. N

    HA Build Idea

    Alright, I've had this idea for some time now, don't know how effective it would be. I haven't been able to find a guild willing to run it (too serious to risk losing). I'm hoping that with the more casual players here you'll be willing to attempt this. The idea is Arcane Languor + Equinox...
  20. N

    !!! ATTENTION !!!! Team SoE sign up!!!

    If you can fit in some weekend stuff I'll be glad to join you! Man I hate working nights!