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  1. B


    Well for me God's existence is no longer a matter of faith. I've felt His presence. I know He exists. What I meant by that statement you quoted though is that there are millions of questions not answered in scripture but I have faith that God has everything sorted out. ie Does it really matter...
  2. B


    What I know - 1 - God exists 2 - His Son died so that I might have eternal life 3 - There are questions regarding God that I won't ever know the answers to until I meet Him. I don't know exactly how it all fits together and anything I would say would be a guess based on my relationship with...
  3. B

    Prayer request for a new forum member

    Another update - I've made it to church a couple of times and my health is still slowly improving. I had a nice long talk with my pastor that convinced me I need to stay at his church. Things are going better now but I appreciate any continued prayers especially for a job. Thanks again, BBBK/Jay
  4. B

    Prayer request for a new forum member

    Thank you all for the prayers. I have a small update in that I made it to church this last Sunday and had a good time seeing everyone. I still don't have peace about staying or not but it did go well. Take care and thank you again. Jay
  5. B

    Prayer request for a new forum member

    Yep, it's me you'll be praying for My introduction and prayer request pretty much go hand in hand so I'll just tell you about myself and put a summary of things to pray about at the end. I'm a christian and have been for about 8 years. I was saved at 25 and that means (for those with math...