Search results

  1. Trabaduris

    Looking for sensible people for my son to play xbox with online...

    This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
  2. Trabaduris

    Looking for sensible people for my son to play xbox with online...

    Its hard to find people that I feel comfortable with my son online. He is goin on 14. He mainly plays black ops 2 but he has others. I thought about just letting him send invites to people on our roster. Anyone else have this issue?
  3. Trabaduris

    Tribe of Judah Xbox Live Directory

    Just wanting a little bump on this? I am looking for some ToJ players on xbl for myself and my son(12) We play most cod's Bf3 gears3 and others. my tag is RevOneEight and his is Seldom Crush.
  4. Trabaduris

    Recently applied!

    Got it at 12:08 pm today :-) see you guys in game!
  5. Trabaduris

    New Start for MSC

    I am a huge horde fan, more so than alliance. I would love to come over and help out with what ever i can. I would have to start from scratch, and I am still awaiting my confirmation to join the ToJ family, but non the less I would love to come join you on the horde side!
  6. Trabaduris

    Recently applied!

    It's me again. Call me impatient, but its day 4 and no response via email. Is this typical? sincerely, -Impatient-
  7. Trabaduris

    Recently applied!

    I have a 78 pally i would love to transfer over here if you guys would have me! I have been lookin for a guild like this sense release. I also started a DK here and would like to lvl him as well. Hope to hear from you guys soon. -Traba- Ephesians 6:11"Put on the full armor of God so that...