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  1. C

    Please pray for me.

    Hang in there, God understands... The Bible teaches us that we have a sinful nature that comes with the flesh and that we are slaves to sin before we become Christians - but when we decide to stop sinning and turn our lives over to Jesus (believing He is God who died to take our punishment for...
  2. C

    Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny

    I have to tell you, even if it is somewhat embarrasing to say so, I actually did take Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy seriously when I was very little. It was a real let down when I realized they were fictitious. By the time I began to hear about God and Jesus, etc. I actually...
  3. C

    Debating with atheists

    I know from the Bible that I must do everything in a Godly manner so it seems that I should be sure I am not debating because I feel arguementative. It also seems that I had better be sure I am acting Christ like when I speak. It seems that in reality only the Holy Spirit can convince a person...
  4. C

    1 Peter 3:19

    A Pastor's understanding of the verse.... I devoted myself to study of God's Word and ministry 40+ years ago. That doesn't mean I am claiming I am correct in my understanding. I am just sharing what has been the common understanding of this verse as shared by the hundreds of other ministers I...
  5. C

    Pharmacy Industry is very naughty.

    I have personal experience with this industry...... I was born pysically disabled and probably would have died at birth or any time during the last 62 years if not for medicine. I am dependant on medicine in order to stay alive. For a while there were medicines that helped me enough so that I...
  6. C


    Hi. Like so many others I am looking for like-minded Christians to play with. I must tell you though that I am a disabled senior citizen so I am slooowww in thinking and keying (I play on a PC keyboard). I respect the fact that Christians have different belief sets so please know that I am not...