Search results

  1. QuantumFrost

    eMigos Podcast needs your help!

    Hey everyone! Hope you guys had an awesome Sunday service. With permission from Mr. Jones, I wanted to post this on his wall (and the CGA Forums as well) in order for it to reach the most audiences. A couple friends from church and I do a podcast that covers a wide range of topics but all...
  2. QuantumFrost

    LoL summoners names...

    Summoner Name Where am I at, bruh?? lol QuantumPriest - PBE (play mostly here) QuantumJedi - Main Client
  3. QuantumFrost


    QuantumFrost Greetings everyone, I am QuantumFrost. I am new to the forums but not new to gaming. I was looking for some cool, Christian people to play with sometime. I welcome any requests or game invites. I currently play: League of Legends (every night) - QuantumJedi Rift...