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  1. I

    What is god?

    That's an incorrect assumption and you should know why(see your own text, which I've underlined). You've previously answered your own question with... Personally, I think the beauty of discussion is to compare and contrast ideas, as well as to guage their likelyhood of being correct. But I...
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    What is god?

    Interesting. I know that Einstein had come to this conclusion as well. Is this to say that god is not made of matter and energy? Also, I've noticed that some poster’s tones have changed a bit. Is it upsetting to hear a conflicting belief? Unfortunately, I won't have time to post during the...
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    What is god?

    I didn’t quite understand your reply, but I’m guessing that I misunderstood what was meant by “god cannot lie”. Did that statement mean that god cannot say, “This text is red”. Or do you mean that if god said, “this text is red”, that the text would turn red? And a related question; can god...
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    What is god?

    I don't remember it mentioned, but does god have free will? It was mentioned that god cannot lie, but can god sin? As an aside, how is it known that god cannot lie?
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    What is god?

    A couple of deductions about heaven and free will... If heaven is a place with no sin, And sin is the human product of free will, Then there is no free will in heaven Also... If there is no sin in heaven, And sin is the product of our free will, And god cleanses humans so they may enter...
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    What is god?

    I was born and raised an atheist, so I don't know the details of any religion. That's why I'm trying to approach the topic by gathering facts(definitions, premises, etc) and then seeing how they relate within the religion, and also to see how they relate to my own beliefs. As for apologetics; I...
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    What is god?

    Well, the third line was just a deduction from the first two lines that were given to me. If the first two lines aren't agreed with, then then the conclusion doesn't hold. BTW, I don't even know what sin is, other than the christian concept of bad behavior. Could you define sin in the same...
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    What is god?

    I believe that Jesus may have been a living person, or he may only have been a character in a book. And if he was alive, I don't believe he could have risen from the dead. This is because of my premises about human physiology. Maybe this is one of the fundamental points that we differ on.
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    What is god?

    Explainations of the composition of god aren't usually very helpful. But it was worth a shot. Any other definitions of god in terms of what it is(all knowing, etc) or in terms of behavior(made earth, etc)? Or maybe an elaboration on the premises that form the foundation of your belief in god?
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    What is god?

    Derived from what was said... If heaven is a place with no sin, And all people sin, Then there are no people in heaven What is god composed of(matter, energy, etc)? I haven't really got a picture of what god is, so anything you can add would help.
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    What is god?

    Alright, more questions. Anyone can answer, but the answers may vary from person to person so I would need to compile all of the attributes into one complete description of god for each person who answers. Moving on... Do all people sin? When did god create the universe? Would god create...
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    What is god?

    Ok, so maybe God came from somewhere, or maybe God has been here forever. By speaking, do you mean metaphorically, or literally by speaking in audio, language form? And did he only create the earth and life on earth, or did he take part in bringing the entire universe into existance?
  13. I

    What is god?

    Thanks CCGR. Could you translate those quotes into layman's terms? Perhaps elaborating on the process of creation, and also on "heaven". Keep in mind that I don't know what god or heaven is, so the more specific and simplistic your explaination, the better chance that I'll understand you.
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    What is your religion?

    Jesus who? Hey, he tricked me too. As an atheist I checked "other" with all you christians!
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    What is god?

    Hey guys, I'm looking for an apologist that would like to discuss the existence of god. To start the discussion, could you give me serveral definitions of your god in the following format: God is ... God did (any event) ... Thanks
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    Evil Atheist Conspiracy

    Well said, Medjai. Then by all means do so.
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    Evil Atheist Conspiracy

    I believe that's called being a troll.
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    Evil Atheist Conspiracy

    Ditto that.  I believe that matter, energy and their interactions have and will always exist.  I support this notion with the laws of thermodynamics which states that neither energy nor matter can be created or destroyed. Evolutionists say what?  I suppose you've been fed so many strawmen that...
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    Atheism: Is It a Plausible Worldview?

    You've used pascal's wager, which is imcomplete.  The point is to analyze all possibilities to gain a better understanding of the situation.  But you have intentionally excluded some possibilities in order to favor the outcome you desire.  Doing so makes your analysis unproduction and pointless...
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    Evil Atheist Conspiracy

    What a load of ad hominems from mycatz2fat. Unfortunately, that's the type of rhetoric I'm used to from christians.