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  1. Liquidice07

    dude put me on the roster

    think the subject pretty much says it k peace
  2. Liquidice07

    BF 2 Optimization for sweeet! performance it's pretty sweet and i think it helped me out. always do some little backup thing if you mess with anything special :) peace guys I john 2:17
  3. Liquidice07

    Hey, can i play with you guys???/....

    Hey i just got WoW and i'm on Dunemal (PvP) and my name is Grantskizzle so if you are on that server msg me as a friend. please, cause i get bored playing alone
  4. Liquidice07

    Battlefield 2 anyone?

    Hey, I have read about the whole server thing going on and just wanted to know how many current or soon-to-be Battlefield 2 players. I would just like to know how many will consider buying it, becuase depending on the response, we may want to look in the direction of possibly a Battlefield 2...
  5. Liquidice07

    Just applied to ToJ on website

    Hey, I applied to ToJ on your website and I am posting to show my continuing interest in the ToJ. I am also interested in a Battlefield 2 "Chapter" if you have one. Thank you.