Search results

  1. M

    Age of Mythology

    Just wondering what you guys thought, Christians and non-Christians alike. Also, Eon, just wondering if you are offended by the game at all, as an Asatruaar. (Dunno if you know the game, you can play as the Norse gods...)
  2. M


    Okay, so here's the deal. I did download CS:CZ from somewhere (have since deleted it), and it was the single player game. I've been reading reviews and stuff, and from what everyone's saying there is a multiplayer version, but I don't have that option in my game. Has it been released yet? Is it...
  3. M

    If you were a hot dog

    I know I would.
  4. M


    Hey guys, It's been a loooong time since I've been in the server, or even the forums. Just wanted to let you guys know what I've been up to for the past few months that's caused me to be absent. As some of you know, I had to drop off of the B-team due to school. I'm in my second year in Bible...
  5. M


    I've been wondering guys, it seems that sooner or later in most topics the fact comes up that a few of us don't have many good friends. After seeing this pop up a few times, I figured I'd tickle my curiousity. Just be honest, and let me know how many people you have that you can actually call...