Search results

  1. Tianar

    Drood in need of gear...

    I have a level 80 Feral drood in need of better gear, the stuff put out by regular quests isn't good enough for raids let alone preventing me from getting insta-pawned by horde goons when i'm running around Azeroth... :mad: Can I get some volunteers to help me with my problem? I'm...
  2. Tianar

    Retiring from WoW... For now...

    I regret to inform you all that I'm retiring from WoW for now... My gaming budget doesn't have room for two major MMO subscriptions, even at the 3 month subscription rate :(. So I will be canceling my WoW sub as of March and continuing with SWTOR... I may return at some future point in...
  3. Tianar

    Guild Status in SWTOR?

    Anyone know if we got assigned a server today? the SWTOR site is so congested I can't get the guild page to load on the SWTOR site. The roster won't even load. Edit: Today being Monday the 12th of December 2011.
  4. Tianar

    SC2 Char names?

    SC2 Char names/codes? Wish we could have a "group" or "guild" setup on everyone could just join. Would love to have everyone's char name and code so I can find you all. I'm finally patched, no thanks to Norton blocking SC2 from patching... My char code is eight-two-one.
  5. Tianar

    8-Bit Starcraft

    8-Bit Starcraft
  6. Tianar

    Got a Wii, Wiire do I sign up?

    Got a Wii, where do I sign up? My console code is: 5178-0565-0836-6485. Let me know if you want me to add ya. I have Mario Kart, but haven't found my own code in there yet...
  7. Tianar

    SC played still?

    Anyone still playing SC? I haven't been able to find any posts of info regarding a server or location. SC II seems to be coming along slowly, I've been watching the website like a hawk. :D
  8. Tianar

    SC Roster

    Please update your roster to include me, I realize I'm not very active here, I'm kinda laying low since SC 1 is like 10 years old :) Eagerly awaiting SC 2!!!! I still have a Bnet account, I'm ToJ_Tianar on there.
  9. Tianar

    C&C 3 requirements

    I'm considering purchasing C&C 3, but I read that the demo version doesn't like 64 bit processors and operating systems. I also found this out when trying to install the demo on my AMD Turion 64 laptop. Anyone know if the full version works ok with 64 bit systems? Laptop's stats: AMD...
  10. Tianar

    StarCraft II - The Terrans Have Arrived!

    The Terrans Have Arrived Blizzard has been updating their SC2 site every couple of weeks with a new unit or two from StarCraft 2. They just added some of the terran units. Quite a few of the Protoss units are already on the site, as well as a...
  11. Tianar

    SWG or EQ anyone?

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for some buddies (or ladies), to play StarWars Galaxies, or EverQuest with, anyone into either of those two games? I can be found on the Flurry Galaxy of SWG as "Tian Swiftstarp" or the Bristlebane server of EQ as "Tianar Truegard". Most offen all night long on my...
  12. Tianar

    Anyone still playing StarCraft?

    Just curious, Does anyone still play StarCraft regularly? I still keep it installed on my computer, I'm normally online in the mornigs after 7am eastern time. On my nights off of work (I work 3rd shift), I'm normally online all night, I can be found on AIM and MSN Messanger using the email...