15 Commandments


For now, while I'm out of game, I'm going to continue to provide sermons, but in forum sermons.  Under this thread, I will offer the series: The 15 Commandments.

For the next 2 weeks, you, me, and my roommates are going to be doing a short bible study.  But it is a very important bible study as it is the very basics of Christianity.  It never hurts to go over the basics, and as the occational married couple renews their vows for each other, so we will renew our walk with God.  Once a day, for the next two weeks, I will be giving you one of the 15 commandments of the bible.  Yes, I said 15.  So let us, together, re-imprint these into our hearts and our minds so that we may walk stronger in the Lord.

Today's commandment is commandment 1.

Exodus 20 : 2-3  "I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have no other gods before Me."

Many things in life are not sinful actions, like drinking wine, eating food, playing games on the computer, etc.  But whenever something is done in excess, that is when it becomes very dangerous.  When a person lives to eat instead of eat to live, then food has become a 'god' to them.  In the same way, alcoholics drink to forget their troubles and worries, and that bottle has become a 'god' to them.  Many people are looking everywhere for help in their trouble lives and turn to an Earthly pleasure as a result.  But there is only one place that true help and guidance can come from.  And that's God himself.  He knows exactly what's hurting, and He knows whether you need medicine, splints, or just a dose of adrenaline.

Do you find yourself spending too much time devoted to a specific hobby, action, or thought?  Do you spend all of your day focused on one particular item or person or activity?  If you have, then that has become your god, and you must learn to realize that.  Once you identify the false gods in your life, focus on trying to serve them less so that your heart may be more free to serve the one and true God.  When you live your life focused to one true God, you will find strength, peace, and assistance in more abundance and better quality than you could possibly imagine!  That's the true blessing!!
So you remember the first commandment? What was it? . . . Ah. Very good. Ready for the second? Alrighty then. Here's commandment 2. Its a lesser remembered commandment, but just as important to God.

Exodus 20 : 4-6 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me. And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me, and keep My commandments."

Many people associate this as being a part of the first commandment, but even though the message is similar, they are quite different. The first commandment spoke of false gods, and it was asking us to not put anything in our hearts above God Himself. The second commandment, however, deals specifically with a 'graven image'. The passage uses the word pecel, which basically means an idol. God is asking us not to form an idol of anything in heaven, on earth, or in the waters and use it as a focus of worship. This has nothing to do with art, and I'm quite sure there are some wonderful pieces of art out there that God has no problem with.

The problem was that during that day, people didn't have internet or television or printers. So the way a lot of people would worship was to create an image of their god, place it in a temple, and worship that image. The Lord forbids his people to imitate the pagan way of worship and even commanded the Israelites to eradicate corrupt worship. Deut. 12 : 2-3 "Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place."

Do not create an idol or image of anything in heaven, on earth, or in the waters, and use it as the center of worship. Does that include crucifixes? Does that include statues of Jesus? Does that include crosses? To be honest, yes. This does not mean that such creations are wrong. There is nothing wrong with hanging the crucifix in your house, or having a statue of Jesus standing in a garden. What God is simply asking us is to not worship like the Pagans. Do not pray to the cross, do not pray to a statue of an artist's conception of Jesus, do not worship a large crucifix. Send your prayers, your worship, and your love to God directly and leave the artwork as it is: artwork. Remember, you do not follow a piece of cut tree, you follow a cut and risen Lord.

So watch your habits. If you find yourself praying to a statue, kneeling to a cross, or bowing your head in the presence of a crucifix, then remember this second commandment and stop. These things have no power nor blessing to give. They are only reminders of the real thing. Send your prayers, kneels, and bows to Him instead, and you will have taken another step in the path of righteousness.
1. You shall have no other Gods before me.
2. Do not make an idol and use it as the center of worship.
3. . . .

Exodus 20 : 7 "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain."

I read a story about an assistant pastor who was in a restaurant one time. At the table next to him was a guy who was saying God's name in vain throughout the night. Finally, the pastor stood up and approached that table saying, "I heard you all talking about God and I'm a Christian... I like talking about God. May I join the conversation?"

For many of you, this is an easy commandment, and you have done well to watch your tongues in this regard. However, let's look at James 3 : 8-9 "But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it, we bless our God and Father, and with it, we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God."

We're not a perfect species are we? In times of anger or stress, hasn't a single swear word escaped your lips? Haven't you ever once spewed out a vain cursing of God's name? Most of us has, even me. I remember one evening when I was working very late, I got extremely frustrated with a co-worker. In anger, I spewed out a violent stream of words that were not only dishonorable, but disrespectful to God as well. We must not forget to watch our tongues, and never let down our guard, lest we hurt God's ears when we are angry or stressed.

Do not say the Lord's name in vain. It can be easy, but only if you keep watch for it. Once you do, your tongue will be a powerful witness to the world around you.
Uh oh.  Did I skip a day?  Silly me.  Hehe.  But I actually did it on purpose as an example to this commandment.

If you think I planned this commandment study, you're wrong.  I've never done anything like this before.  Its my first time, and I just happen to start at the spur of the moment.  But sometimes what you think is by chance can also be the hand of God.  That's why I thought it was interesting that the fourth commandment, which happen to fall on a Sunday, is:

Exodus 20 : 7 - 11

"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

This past Sunday, I rested, rejoiced, gamed, praised the Lord, and spend some quality time with my roommates.  I did not worry about bills, have to do laundry, or plan for the week.  I let my stresses and my worries go for the day and let them rest completely on God.

The Sabbath is not about going to church every week, or spending an hour in prayer.  The Sabbath is not about bible study or setting it as a chore day.  And its certainly not a day where you do nothing at all.  It is a time of rest, and of reflection.  It is a time to rejoice and remember all God has blessed you with.  It is a time of prayer, and a time of family.  A time to break the weekly routine and tedious chores and rest.  Does this mean no cooking?  Does this mean no making an effort to flush the toilet or take a bath?  No.  Those are daily necessities and you certainly should take care those.  I'm just suggesting that one day out of the week, you spend a carefree, worryfree day in peace and in the Lord.

Some of you work on Sunday.  That's fine.  The Sabbath is not necessarily Sunday, its just a 7th day of the week.  God is not impressed by rituals or motions of actions, but by actions done by the heart.  Therefore, if you cannot make Sunday your day of rest, then, make one of the other days of the week your Sabbath.  That will be your seventh day and for you, it will not be wrong.

What of parents and especially mothers, or even those who have to work 7 days a week?  Jesus said this, "I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?"  If you must work to live, then do so: your job, your cooking, your care for your children and pets.  But you can still make a day of rest: rest from chores, rest from shopping, if you can, rest from dishes and housecleaning.  Spend that time to relax and rejoice in the Lord.  In doing so, you will be observing the sabbath.

Remember, man was not made for the sabbath, but the sabbath for man.  If you spend one day a week in rest, then not only will you be walking righteously, but you'll be helping yourself to better withstand the trials and stresses of the rest of the week.  So remember the sabbath day, and rest.  You'll be glad you did.
Yesterday, someone asked me, "Were you expecting any feedback/comments to your commandments, or do you want us to just listen and learn?" Very good questions there. I, myself, am but a flawed human trying to keep his walk straight in the Lord. I know that I'm not perfect, and that I don't know all I need to. So if you have any suggestions, comments, critiques, or anything you want to share, feel free to say so.

With that in mind, our commandment for today is:

Exodus 20 : 12 "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee."

Just as we are not perfect, neither are our parents. But God has blessed us with them to raise us as best as they can. Some of them do poorly, some of them don't. I, myself, was very blessed with two very wonderful and loving people who were always there for me whenever I needed. Always remember them and always thank them whenever you can. Don't speak ill of them to anybody and by your examples, show people the kind of person your parents raised. You will be honoring your parents very well when you do so and in turn, God will honor you.

What if a parent wasn't there for you or abandoned you long ago? Do not speak or think ill of them either. Though they have not take the role God had given them, and they have shown their flaw, respect them and pray for them anyway.

Oh, and you want to hear a scary secret? In-laws are parents too! No matter how aggrivating they can be, no matter how hard it may be, honor them as well. It is the righteous thing to do.

Thanks mom and dad. I'll always remember what you've given me and taught me. I love you both!
Let's recap. Give me commandment 1. . . . Commandment 2. . . . 3? . . . 4 . . . 5 . . .

Alright. Let's see how you did.
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. Create no graven image nor worship them.
3. Say not the Lord's name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
5. Honor your mother and your father.
6. . . .

Exodus 20 : 13 "Thou shalt not kill."

Ever get mad at someone? Ever get so mad at them that you wanted to dress them up as a large peanut and put him in a cage with a starving elephant? Or did you wish you could tenderly pack their pack with canned foods and deserts right before they skydived? Murduring someone is one thing, but is it wrong to just think of them in a bad way? Jesus says it is.

Matthew 5 21-22 "You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca,'(An Aramaic term of contempt) is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell."

In the eyes of God and the heart of Jesus, thinking badly or thinking down on your brother is just as bad as murdering him. Thoughts and emotions of the heart are just as important to God as physical actions.

If you find yourself thinking how dumb or stupid or idiotic someone is, then stop, capture that thought, and throw it out. Because what we think of constantly in our mind enters our heart and our emotions. And if that thought remains in our emotions long enough, will turn to actions. A few malious thoughts become emotional dislike, and emotional dislike turns into rude behavior towards that person. That is not a good way to witness to the lost, and its best to capture and remove those thoughts while they're still in the mind so that you can keep your heart and your walk righteous.

So when you think of this commandment, don't just refrain from putting a banana peel next to a swimming pool of glass shards. Try and think better of others. Your light towards those you may dislike will be a more powerful witness to them than any dark thought that may fester.
As fellow followers of our Lord Jesus, we have been taught to love others and help them whenever we can. However, we must be careful and draw some boundries lest we cross them and fall to sin. As such, commandment number 7 is:

Exodus 20 : 14 "Thou shalt not commit adultery."

Adultery. Its one of Satan's most powerful and successful attacks on the Christian church. He has the ability to take our gifts of love, and twist it around for more evil purposes. As Christians bound to a weak flesh, we must protect ourselves lest we fall to breaking this commandment. And here are some tips to help you keep a strong heart in such an area:

1. Do not look at or even think about pornography. For it is the foothold Satan nails into the heart. Aggressively remove any and all thoughts and images from the eye, the mind, and the heart, and allow none to enter!
2. Do not focus your gaze and thoughts upon the shapes and sizes of the opposite sex (or in some cases, the same sex). Instead, look at the person, and wonder about their heart, their mind, or their spiritual situation.
3. Unless s/he is a relative, spouse, fiancee, or elderly, do not spend time alone with the opposite sex, lest temptations arise. (Pastors and spiritual leaders may have to do this for counseling or friendship purposes, but even in those cases, be very careful.)
4. Massages, holding hands, making out, taking long walks together, or going to bed together should also be avoided when you are just 'friends.' These are actions that should be reserved for that one and only.
5. Divorce should never be considered among Christian couples. Marriage is very sacred to God, and to divorce and remarry, except under marital unfaithfulness, is a great upset to God. Stick with your spouse, in good times AND bad, and in the bad, try to work things out. After all, there's still love there; you've just taken it for granted.

This is a very serious commandment, and the breaking of it can lead to depression, broken hearts, alcoholism, and even suicide in some cases. Be very careful in this area and as long as you do your best to follow the above advice, you should walk a little stronger and more righteous. Do not commit adultery, whether in mind, heart, or action. If you can accomplish this, you'll be taking a very big step in the path of righteousness!
Exodus 20 : 15 "Thou shalt not steal."

Thou shalt not take money from thine company's cash register and place it into thine pocket.
Thou shalt not put on a ski mask, place a banana into thine pocket, drive 4.7 miles, and get out to rob thy local bank. Thou shalt not knock on thy neighbor's door, wait for him to finally reach it and open it, and run off laughing with his dentures in your hands.

Those are some pretty obvious ways of stealing. But what are some not so obvious ways of stealing? (I say not so obvious because many people actually do these things, thinking it is okay to do.)

After one movie is over, sneaking into a second without paying.
Always borrowing money or items from your neighbor and never returning or paying him back.
Downloading music or a movie that you did not pay for. (That seriously hurts those who put in a lot of time and effort and money in making them.)
Spending time on the work clock to go and do personal stuff. (You're stealing time and money from the company.)
Committing adultery with someone who is engaged or married. (You're stealing the type of love that belongs only to someone else.)
Being a player. (All you're doing is unfairly stealing what is supposed to be sacred and for marriage only!)

Anytime you unfairly possess something that should belong to someone else (time/money/love/possessions), or you possess something that you have not legally acquired(music/software/movies/cars), or you seek to cheat to save money (IRS/sneaking grocery store items/taking home pens and toilet paper from work), it is stealing and it is wrong. Taking a pen from work because you have none at home is just as wrong and serious a theft in God's eyes as trying to rob a bank.

So next time you have the urge to download music, burn a copy of software from a friend, or even have a collection of neighbor's dentures on your livingroom bookshelf, you better stop and realize that you are breaking God's commandment. To steal is just as bad a sin as murdering your neighbor in God's eyes! Always remember that and always strive to be righteous with your possessions. After all, doesn't God bless you? Sure, He doesn't give you all things so you can enjoy life, but He does give you life, so that you can enjoy all things!

So please, don't steal. You'll be giving God an awesome opportunity to bless you, and bless you He will!
Recap time! If you're going to learn the basics, put them in your mind as well as your heart. Whatever you think about often goes into your heart, and whatever dwells in your heart often becomes a part of your actions. What better thing to put their than the commandments? Proverbs 7 : 2-3 "Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart."

What are the first eight commandments?

(helpful tip: God is known as the Trinity, the three in one. So the first three commandments are about Him.)
1. You shall have no other Gods before me.
2. Make no graven image and do not bow down to worship it.
3. Do not say the Lord's name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
5. Honor your mother and father.
6. Do not kill.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. . . .

Exodus 20 : 16 "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."

Everybody wants to be seen in the good light, and never in the bad. After all, this is a very judgemental and prejudice world and if your flaws are seen, and you become vulnerable to mockery and ridicule. So what do people do to prevent that? Shift blame to someone else. If you can get somebody else into the spotlight or the guilty chair, then you've made yourself to be safe. But its wrong to do that and God abhors such.

I remember one time when I was younger, my aunt was living with us. I had gotten hungry one time and ate a full pack of cookies from the pantry. When mom asked who did it, I said it wasn't me, so Aunt got in trouble. I was saved that day, but it was definatly the wrong thing to do.

The pen is mightier than the sword, but the tongue is even more powerful and equally dangerous. Shifting blame, spreading rumors, putting someone down to someone else because they aggrivate you, assuming and prejudging a person before knowing the truth are all examples of bearing false witness, and sometimes we do these things by habit. Try to see if you can catch yourself before you start shifting blame or talking behind their back and keep that tongue under constant guard! So what if somebody sees your flaws? It just might make them feel more human and like you more. If you try not to bear false witness, and be truthful in all things regarding your neighbor, you will be a lighthouse to many a people and a gem in the eyes of God.
Ah. Just because we're not covering commandment 4 "Observe the Sabbath day" doesn't mean we still can't take the day off. Some of you were still expecting another commandment yesterday, but I was spending that time with God (and with my roommates as it is their second to last weekend here.)

Some of you have also wondered why is it we are to spend Sunday with God and in God's word, yet I don't send out the bible study that day? Well, there are a lot of people I correspond with and pray for and share God's word with. And for 6 days a week, whenever I come home from work, that's primarily what I do. But the 7th day is for God, and I keep my prayers and my focus reserved for Him. So I'm not trying to seem hypocritical, I just want to give to you guys what I can, and give to God what he deserves.

But I'm back to start a fresh new week working in the world, yet walking in Christ. Are you? Kewl!

Today, the tenth commandment is:

Exodus 20 : 17 "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's."

Last night, they had the Golden Globe awards on television. And during that show, Max turned to me and said, "Sometimes I wish I was an actor." I didn't realize it until now that he was coveting their lifestyle: riches, fame, being recognized or being on television. I too have had my fair share of covetness. Sometimes I'll look at someone who is abusive and mean to others, or look at other Christians and wonder why is it they get to be married to a wonderful Godly wife, or have a nice house with nice things when I'm to be single and to try and make ends meet.

Haven't you ever been jealous of someone because of what they possess or how they look? Ever had low self esteem because someone's talents are better than yours? Coveting what we do not have can sometimes make us very miserable and depressed creatures, and our eyes are always wandering, looking for the beauty in other people's things. However, if you were to look at your own life, and at your own possessions, you might find there is a beauty there too! Many of us crave certain items, and then once we get it, we are happy, put it aside, and crave something else. For some reason, we as humans tend to take what we have for granted, and it goes from being a blessing to just being there, and as a result, we continue to covet things, even if it belongs to our neighbor.

We need to shift the focus from out the windows to inside, and for that, I have a suggestion for you:

Take some time to go outside, maybe to the sidewalk, maybe to the parking lot, or maybe to a secluded (yet safe) area. Now look down at the ground and observe the rocks and grass and bugs, well, avoid the bugs. From 5 minutes to half an hour, however long you're willing to take, imagine yourself as living there. That is your home. You have no job, no money, no possessions, just the ground where you stand and the clothes on your back. You don't know where you're next meal will come from, and you have no friends to help you. (I am not suggesting this exercise so that you may have pity on those who are actually in that situation, nor am I trying to get you to compare yourself with them. The idea is to get you to focus on yourself and help to alter the pre-programmed perspective that this world has given you.)

Once you are convinced that you have nothing, and that you are nothing, and once you have that saddness and despair in your heart, then turn around and walk into your home. Now pretend that you have walked into a strange house, and look at all the items there: the chairs, the television, the computer. Pretend it is the first time you've seen it and look at it as if you were visiting a neighbor's house. But then, while you are there looking, realize that these things are yours! You're not living on the ground, with no food or no money. Why, look at that soft, comfortable chair. Look at that television! Look at all that food! Also look at yourself. Where do you work? What skills do you have? What have you done to survive all these years? You're not really nothing after all!

I know that sounds silly. But believe me, it does work. It is an exercise that helps you better appreciate what you have and to not take it for granted. It can help you better appreciate what you have, who you are, and how God has blessed you. Another small exercise you can do this is by looking at yourself in 5 year increments. Look at your life when you were 15. 20. 25. 30. And so on. You will find that you have picked up more talents and skills, acquired more possessions, made and lost friends, and have even grown a little spiritually and mentally through those years. As a child, you sometimes wondered what kind of life you would live or how you could make it, but here you are, doing just fine!

If you can successfully change your outlook from taking your possessions and talents for granted to daily acknowledging the blessings given to you, then you can better keep this commandment and not covet your neighbor's things. I used to crave marriage and money and lots of cool computerized gadgetry. But I've learned to accept who I am and where I'm at. I'm happy being single because I can focus more of my attention on others and on God, and I don't mind struggling to make ends meet because I know I can pay the bills. I am content with what God has blessed me with, and though I seek to improve myself and my life so I can better help others, I try to refrain from desiring other people's things. And I know you can too. We may still fail, but we'll be walking a more righteous walk by trying.
So now we know the ten commandments as given to us through Moses.  Go through them now.  (Its always good to keep going over the commandments daily, so that you can better keep them in mind and they can become a stronger part of your life.)  Now these commandments won't earn you a ticket to heaven, that is something Jesus has already done.  These commandments only help us to walk a better walk so that we can have the life that God intended us to have.

In addition to the ten commandments, I would also like to share 5 commandments of Christ, God himself, who only wants good for us.  As such, commandment 11 is:

Matthew 22 : 37 - 38 "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment."

Now wait a minute, we already have the first three commandments dealing with God, and loving God above all else is the first commandment after all.  So isn't this repetitious?  Well, yes and no.  Jesus commanding us to love God not only sums up the first three commandments, but it also covers all aspects of our relationship with God.

John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
Luke 12:31 "But rather seek ye the kingdom of God . . . "
Matthew 6:1-8 (If you pray, fast, or give, that's between you and God, and nobody else.)
Mark 8 : 34 "And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me."

Falling in love with someone can be a wonderful thing.  You want to spend time with him, get to know her, get him gifts, do her favors, etc.  The courtship can be a fun and exciting process and you're willing to do almost anything to spend time with that special someone, even stand outside the bedroom window in the freezing rain singing "You Are My Sunshine."  That's the kind of love God wants.  He wants you to love Him so much that you want to spend time with Him, you want to learn more about Him, you want to follow Christ, commune in rememberance, or just praise Him with a tearfully joyful heart.  We don't do those things because its habit or tradition, we do them because we love He who gave us life and blessings.

So love the Lord thy God with all thy being, and do so in your own way, and God will hug you back with his mighty arms and smile.  Isn't that an awesome thought?
"Love me tender. Love me sweet. Love me like a hunk of meat."

Okay. So I don't know too many Elvis songs. Even though Elvis is not really the king <ducks just in case>, he did have the right idea. Commandment 12 is:

Matthew 22 : 39 " . . . Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

In the same way as 11, this commandment also sums up a portion of Moses' law and commandments; the portion dealing with how you treat your neighbor. And also as 11, this commandment covers all other aspects of neighborly relationships that the law may not have covered.

As Jesus suggests, take a look at ourselves and see how we treat ourselves. We usually make sure we're well fed, we have a warm (or cool) place to sleep, we're comfortable, and we're happy. Solicitors aggrivate us, pesky neighbors can be troublesome, and boredom comes from a friend who always speaks about himself. We keep ourselves comfortable by taking care of ourselves and trying to avoid the aggrivations and stresses of life. Jesus is asking that you do the same for your neighbor: that you help them whenever you can (but never to the point of hurting yourself), and try to avoid being aggrivating to others. Those are the basics of loving your neighbor.

Ah, but there's just a little bit more. Most people believe they are following this commandment because 'they are nice to people.' But let me explain the difference between a Christian attitude towards the neighbor and a non-Christian one. Generally those who are non-Christian, whether athiest, buddist, Muslim, pagan, and yes, some Catholics (I've personally seen many Catholics do this), will be very nice and friendly and helpful to those around them. BUT. If anybody ever crosses their path or upsets them, that offending person is put on the naughty list, and what was once niceness is now uncaring rudeness and unforgiveness.

We must be a friend to all neighbors, the good and the failing. How else can we be a witness to those who have failed you or who have been going through trials themselves? Just because they did something to upset you doesn't make them demons, and should not be treated as so, after all, if you lost your temper and went off on a friend, wouldn't you want to be forgiven too? The true love of Christ is to love your brother and sister in all conditions, good and bad. That is the power of this commandment and that is the kind of love God wants us to have for each other, stranger or brother. So love thy neighbor as thyself, and your light of Christ will shine more brightly than anything else you could possibly do!
13. Unlucky number right? A lot of people try to avoid 13 anytime they can. They're overly cautious when the day is 13, or they'll build a building and skip the 13th floor. So it comes as no surprise, that many people run from this 13th commandment:

Luke 6 : 27 - 28 "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you."

Now I've been using the King James version because some of you are better comfortable with it, but I really like how the amplified version puts it:

"But I say to you who are listening now to Me: [in order to heed, make it a practice to] love your enemies, treat well (do good to, act nobly toward) those who detest you and pursue you with hatred, Invoke blessings upon and pray for the happiness of those who curse you, implore God's blessing (favor) upon those who abuse you [who revile, reproach, disparage, and high-handedly misuse you]."

We can understanding loving our Creator, and we can understand loving our friends, neighbors, and fellow Christians. But are we supposed to also love our enemies: to love those who are mean to us, who try to hurt us and who are always slandering God?? Yup. For they too are people just like us, but they're lost in a world of sin. They don't know or want to know the strength and power of Jesus, so its best to try and be prayerful to them as much as we can, because 1. they will suffer an eternity of pain and suffering, and we can at least bring them comfort while on earth, or 2. they will eventually turn to Christ and repent, and the kindness you showed them will never be forgotten.

Now, the love for your neighbor and for God means fellowshipping with them and spending quality time with them. But the love for your enemy is different. In many places in the bible (1 Corinthians 5:9, 5-11; 2 Thessalonians 3:14) it is asked that you do not associate with those fallen. Proverbs 22 :24-25 "Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man,
do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared."

I like how one man puts it "It is the law of friendship that we accommodate ourselves to our friends and be ready to serve them, and therefore we ought to be wise and wary in the choise of a friend, that we come not under the sacred tie to any one whom it would be our folly to accommodate ourselves to. Those we go with we are apt to grow like." When you love and pray for your enemy, do not involve yourself with him in a way that his ways can rub off on your own. He is truly to be treated as a stranger and an outcast in the area of friendship, but you should always be there to help if needed, to be kind and curtious, and to always pray, and never hate or despise.

So love your enemy, and pray for those who persecute you, being careful to not follow in their ways, and you will have taken love to a degree that few others dare to do.
If the Lord is with us, who can be against us? Well, lots of things are pitted against us: the world, the fallen ones, and our sinful selves. So what should we do? Commandment 14:

Genesis 15:1, Genesis 21:17, Genesis 26:24, Genesis 46:3, Exodus 20:20, Deuteronomy 1:21, Deuteronomy 20:3, Deuteronomy 31:8, Joshua 8:1, Joshua 10:25, Ruth 3:11, II Kings 6:16, I Chronicles 28:20, Isaiah 35:4, Isaiah 41:13, Isaiah 41:14, Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah 43:5, Isaiah 44:2, Isaiah 54:4, Jeremiah 46:27, Daniel 10:12, Daniel 10:19, Joel 2:21, Zechariah 8:13, Matthew 1:20, Matthew 10:28, Luke 1:13, Luke 2:10, Luke 5:10, Luke 8:50, Luke 12:7, Luke 12:32, John 12:15, Acts 27:24, Revelation 1:17

II Kings 6:16 "And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them."
Joel 2:21 "Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things."
Luke 12:7 "But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."

Sometimes, when I go see a scary movie, I always like to pretend how me and God can overcome that creature, whether with my super powers or with God's. Then when I dream that night of the same monsters, I'm either attacking it with my lightsaber or falling to my knees and praying to God for help. (Had some pretty awesome dreams that way.)

Fear is not a good thing to have, and it can hurt us greatly at times. Fear will immobilize us, lead us to sin, cause physical problems, open doors for the devil, bring confusion, cause us to hide (one of my biggest problems), cause us to abandon our love for others, keep us from serving God, and cause us to flee when we should stand. And I don't mean heart stopping fear and panic of major things. Even minor fear of people, failure, physical appearance, or even a fear of rejection can halt you and keep you from the ministry of God.

But throughout the entire bible, from God, Jesus, Angels, or prophets, we've been given this simple command: Fear Not! There is no need to be afraid of ANYTHING on this planet because our God is greater than anything you will ever encounter, and if you stick with Him, and trust in Him, He will help you to take care of whatever your path leads you to. You must realize that no matter what happens, whether it be your friends turning against you, creditors bugging you, physical ailments getting you down, or life acting rotten towards you, if you just stick with God, then you can stand strong amidst all storms!

Look at Joseph in Genesis. He was thrown into a pit by his brothers, sold into slavery, and falsely accused and thrown into prison. Yet all along the path, he stood his ground in God, remained fearless, and shared his gifts with everyone. And in the end, he became second in command of all Egypt, which most likely led to the famed pyramids and Egyptian legacy. Daniel was fearless in a hungry den of lions. Shad Me and Abend were fearless in a fiery furnace. And even David was fearless against Goliath. And my favorite story: Joshua (King Saul's son), and his armor bearer, went off by themselves, scaled a cliff, and defeated an entire Philistine army with just the two of them and the power of God!! Makes me cry every time!

Now surely you aren't a superman, and you will be hurt. Fire can burn you, bullets can pierce you, fists will bruise and words will cut deep. But "draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you." The Lord is your champion, and He will bless you, supply your needs, keep you safe from your enemies, and when your time comes, bring you to the feast and a home deserving of a hero.

Fear not my friends. Go forth as your heart leads, despite any possible pains, threats, or failures. For the Lord is with you who have chosen to believe in Him and His Son. And you will be blessing yourself and God by being fearless in your walk. It will make you all the more powerful and resistant to Satan's attacks.
Okay. So you know the commandments. The Lord God has given you the 10 I have shared in Genesis, and Jesus has commanded the second 5. Some of these commandments people already strive to do naturally: do not kill, do not steal, love your neighbor. But it goes beyond just knowing and trying to live good. We must understand that these are commands from God Himself, who made us and who loves us. And with these commandments, we do as our Lord Jesus asked of us.

Commandment 15 . . .

Matthew 28 : 19-20 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

God will teach us many things throughout our lives, but sometimes that teaching is for us to share with others. As you continue to walk a more righteous walk, as God has commanded us, not only will your life change for the better, not only will your attitude and your outlook greatly improve, but you will also be a very powerful minister to those around you. Many people are hurting and need these teachings. Christ is telling us to go and share the good news. Help people understand how to walk right and that such a walk is good for them. Help them to understand that these aren't human morales, but commands from Jesus and from God. Tell them that Jesus is there for them and help them to walk and grow in the Lord.

Now I'm not saying go door to door, and I'm not saying stop everyone you see and tell them about Jesus. The Lord will guide you in your footsteps. You are doing the walking, but He will sometimes have side jobs for you. He will lead you to others who have problems in their lives; problems that you know the solution to from the bible or from God. That is the time to share and to encourage. Give them what you know and share with them how you've experienced it. That one small act is an act of powerful healing and by helping them to focus their questions to the Lord and the bible and the commandments, you will be helping to make them better people of God.

So help yourself and help others to do as God commands us and:
1. Put God first in your heart above all else, and let there be no other gods before Him.
2. Make no graven images of anything seen, and do not bow down to them.
3. Do not say the Lord's name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy; for the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
5. Honor your mother and your father.
6. Do not kill, even with your heart or attitude.
7. Do not commit adultary, even with your heart or mind or eyes.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not bear false witness aganist your neighbor.
10. Do not covet your neighbor's talents, looks, or possessions; focus your covetness on the gifts of the spirit and desire them instead.
11. Love the Lord your God with all your being.
12. Love your neighbor as you would yourself.
13. Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.
14. Fear not, as commanded by God and by Jesus.
15. Go forth and make disciples of all believers, and believers of whom God leads you.

Remember, these commandments do not earn you a place in heaven. That act was done by Jesus Himself. But these are commandments from God himself of how to live a righteous and wonderful life. Do your best to follow them and keep them in your heart. And if you fail, all you need to do is get right back up and try again. Though we will all sin, and fall short of perfection, if we just try our best, your lives will be transformed in something more beautiful than it is right now! The bible guarantees it.

God bless you all and thank you for sharing this bible study with me.
We love Malo for being long winded and in depth with his sermons =]

I bet you're a baptist! =] Good messages, keep em' coming!