A Good Idea/suggestion for everyone


Does your pc/laptop get warm?
mine has been lately so i looked into what my options are

After some research I removed my Thermal Cooling Assembly in my
(2008 Dell inspiron 1525 17" screen) laptop, cleaned out the dust bunny between the assembly and my fan.

This prevents overheating a great deal.
As many of you know i'm not a technical person
so I found a youtube video for my make/model of my laptop
and learned how to do it.
took about 4 minutes and I only needed a small phillips screwdriver and a cloth (very slightly damp not wet or dripping).
Please make sure you unplug your pc/laptop and decharge any static from yourself before opening up the cover/backing plate for safety reasons.

they recommend it every 2-3 months if you have pets or are around cigarette smoke. ( i don't smoke but have a cat)
you will be surprised how smoke,hair and dust build up rather quickly.

Now i'm all set for guild wars 2 BETA!!!!
Gameplay starts at 3PM today!!!!

Hope this helps someone,
GOD Bless,
Good suggestion :)

One thing to keep in mind if someone is going to use compressed air, never blow stuff in. For laptops, I'd probably suggest a vacuum to suck any dust out that you can't get to otherwise. On a pc, I normally use a vacuum and compressed air together (the air to get the dust moving and the vacuum to catch it coming out of the case).

This might be going a little far but if using a pc, you can also get case fan filters that make things easier to clean. You can just take the filter out now and then and clean that instead of the whole case.

I'll stop now because this gets too long (if not already :p ).
it wasn't too long and i appreciate your input :)

luckily i only had a few screws for the plate/cover and about 6 for the cooling assembly..but like i said i'm not technical at all so this was a leap of faith to open it up lol
Good suggestion :)

One thing to keep in mind if someone is going to use compressed air, never blow stuff in. For laptops, I'd probably suggest a vacuum to suck any dust out that you can't get to otherwise. On a pc, I normally use a vacuum and compressed air together (the air to get the dust moving and the vacuum to catch it coming out of the case)..

This Is exactly what I do using a shop vac and air compressor, just be sure if using an air compressor to make sure the line pressure is down to no more than ten lbs. I forgot to check once and almost killed my case fan spinning it too hard.:eek: