About EVE Online


New Member
Dear Christian Gamers

EVE Online is now officially under the Tribe of Judah banner.
Feel free to reply to this thread if you have questions about the game.

What EVE?
# Massively multiplayer
# Epic 5,000 solar system persistent single universe
# Dynamic player controlled economy
# Exclusive offline skill advancement
# Unmatched versatility in game play
# Free expansions and game enhancements included with subscription

Play EVE for FREE
1) Download the full client: http://ccp.vo.llnwd.net/o2/EVE_4557.exe
2) Choose between self-served 7-day trial or player submitted 14-day access pass.

* For 7-day trial visit https://secure.eve-online.com/trial/ and fill in the form.
* For 14-day trial (access pass), send your e-mail address in a private message (PM) to Christian Crusader

What Online?
You need an internet connection: 0.5 Mbit DSL or Cable will do just fine. Things of greater importance are your graphics card and RAM. You need atleast 64 MB gfx card and atleast 512 MB of RAM. I use an old gfx card with 32 MB, and it works fine unless you wanna zoom in during every battle, to see the explosions (Max. Zoom Out = Better FPS).

Learn More
Visit the game's web site for:
* Player Guide
* Backstory
* F.A.Q.
* Trailers (made from actual game play, really neat imo)
* Items Database
* and more...

There is also a Wiki @ EVE-Wiki.net
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Hey there,
I am DLing the EVE clinet right now- I have played before but it has been a very long time. I was wondering what the best path for a character is? Not what race to play or anything like that, but what stats/skills to learn first? I hope to see you ig! :D
Hey there,
I am DLing the EVE client right now- I have played before but it has been a very long time. I was wondering what the best path for a character is? Not what race to play or anything like that, but what stats/skills to learn first? I hope to see you ig! :D

There are, as you probably already are aware of, several paths or careers to choose from in EVE Online. I started this character a couple of months ago and spent whole summer training all the basic learning skills (to decrease future skill training time). I decided to start off with trade skills and for that I needed high attribute points for Charisma and Memory. Actually you don't need any of you wanna learn trade skills, but it helps to have the learning skills sorted. Especially since it will save you time in the future.

There are several threads on the eve-o forums that can assist you in your career choice and give you intel on how to reach your goals fast. The thread I recommend others to read is the "Attributes & Skills – The New Guide" thread that can be found here.

If you need further assistance please contact me in game and we can have a chat, preferably in our own corp chat.
Okay here is the best thing to do. You need to learn the basic learning skills first. Learning, Iron Will, Instant Recal, etc. Then depending on the way you go determines which skills are best. I suggest getting basic all around skills. Engineering, Science, Mechanics, etc. Then if you go into mining go for refining, mining, mining drones, and an industrial ship. If you go for transporting goods you will need to get your navigation skills up. And then if you do transport protection or whatnot then go for you gunnery skills and the like. My character is Derek Tait so convo me sometime on there.
Yes the learning skills are very important, without them you will be spending a LOT longer learning stuff. Also note that your character keeps learning after you account goes inactive :P I will pick up eve again during the christmas time and also this summer. I am avoiding games at college.
I'm extremely interested in Eve-O. However, I'll be unable to play from mid-November through mid-May due to a deployment. I've heard that your skills continue to increase even when you are offline. Is that true? If so, it might make starting now (even with only a few months to play) worthwhile.

How many hours are generally committed per week to "keep up with the Jones'?"
Unfortunately you cant que up skills, so the skill you train will be the only one that goes through
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I'm extremely interested in Eve-O. However, I'll be unable to play from mid-November through mid-May due to a deployment. I've heard that your skills continue to increase even when you are offline. Is that true?

If you train a skill it will not cease just because you log off, and you can always see how long it will take before you have trained to the next level, thus be able to keep up with when you need to log in in order to change, stop or start a new skill training session (long sentence).

If so, it might make starting now (even with only a few months to play) worthwhile.

My suggestion to you is, that if you aim to play the game May 2007, you should do two things:

1) Pay for 1 year of gaming time or atleast for 6 months. The fee for 1 month is € 14.95, for 3 months (one payment) is € 38.85, for 6 months (one payment) is € 71.70, and for 12 months the fee is € 131.40. By paying for a longer period of time you do not risk putting your character in a position I was in 24 hours ago: My account was temp. suspended because I had accuired a new credit card, thus blocking payments to CCP (game manufacturer). It was solved just by entering the new credit card details.

2) Again, if you aim to play for atleast 200 days or more, you should start off by training the so called Learning Skills. They will help you can higher points on you Attributes, and the latter will help you decrease the amount of time you spend training other skills like "Gunnery", "Electronics" or "Trade".

I think I have written about skill training before, but if you want to learn more about what skills to train and so forth, there is an excellent guide on the EVE Online Forum. You should be able to read the forum even though you are not logged in. If you cant read it, reply here and I will hook you up with a copy.


How many hours are generally committed per week to "keep up with the Jones'?"

If "Jones" is the rest of the pack, my answer to you now is that there is not that much activity in the Tribe 0f Judah corporation. Actually its just me and another guy here, so more members would help :)

I am busy for atleast 5 more days (IRL) and have not been able to log in for that many minutes during the week. But feel free to enter the game, and apply for membership at the top station in Nakugard system.