Ancient China was once a Godly nation



May I introduce a point of view which may at first seem very radical, but I hope it would make sense as you think about it.

Not all of the gentile (non-Jewish) nations of the ancient world worshipped idols and polytheistic gods.

There was one exception.

Of all the "first wave" of great ancient (Gentile) human civilisations, only this one survives to the present day. Of the world's most ancient writing systems, only the written language of this people is still in wide use. This civilisation has endured more than 4000 years of wars and conquests, while countless mighty empires have risen and fallen around her. Today the land allocated to this people by God is still the same land their ancestors lived on more than 4000 years ago. In fact, in ancient times, this nation was known by its people as the "Land of God". But for at least the last three millennia of her long history, this nation has foolishly turned away from the God that protected it and brought prosperity to its ancient sage rulers and hence suffered the consequences. 2500 years ago it entered into a spiritual dark age, which it is only beginning to get out of now. Yet in God's infinite mercy and grace this people was never totally abandoned by God. Therefore among all the Gentile civilisations that arose in the third millennium BC it alone survives to this day.

Which ancient civilisation I am referring to?

The nation of China.

I believe the God of Ancient China (during what I call the "Faithful Age", before the Chinese fell into the spiritual dark age) is identical to the God of Israel and consequently identical to the Christian God. Now this may seem like a very radical and extreme (if not heretical) view, but it is a serious one. There is a lot of evidence going for it. Admittedly the evidence is not directly Biblical, but that is I think due to practical limitations. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, but it was written by Jews who had no physical contact with the Chinese and therefore it is not possible for China to be recorded in it in any detail. (But actually China is mentioned in the Bible at perhaps a quite significant point as the "land of Sinim") The history and the geography of the Bible only concerns a rather limited area of human civilisation centred on the Jews, yet God must have had significant influences on all human cultures throughout the world and this historical detail would not be recorded in the Bible.

However, if we examine the most ancient and authoritative Chinese classics (often referred to as the Five Classics), we find that the Chinese God is virtually identical to the Jewish God but is totally different from the God of all the other polythestic and mystical cultures. Here is just a short list of the reasons to believe that the Chinese God is identical to the God of the Bible. There are many more but a full analysis would probably require a book, which I am not able to write.

1. The Chinese God (the Chinese word for God is Shangdi, a term also used by Chinese Christians, literally it means "Superme Ruler") is never worshipped with idols, images or pictures of any sort. This is very unique among Gentile cultures, especially considering the fact that the ancient Chinese did not have any physical contact with the ancient Jews so China's ancient monotheistic tradition is truly indigenous and not just trying to "copy" the Jews. The ancient Chinese built temples for their God like the Jews did (but this as I said is not trying to copy the Jews for there is no physical contact between Jews and Chinese in the ancient age and the building styles are totally different). An example of this sort of temple still exist in China today. It is the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. If you walk into the temple's main hall, you would find that unlike all the Buddhist, Shinto and Hindu temples of all the other Asiatic cultures, there are only abstract patterns but no idols or pictures of any kind. The Chinese God Shangdi is only represented very abstractly by a plaque on which it is written in Chinese ideographs: "The God of Heaven and Earth".

2. The Chinese God as shown in the Five Classics is monotheistic. Now as far as I am aware ancient China was the only Gentile nation that worshipped a monotheistic God. It is true that in later periods of Chinese history, after China's spiritual fall, this monotheism has not been strictly adhered too (especially since the infiltration of Buddhism from India into China), but in China's most authoritative classics, Shangdi is the only God of the Chinese nation. Even in today's fallen age, many Chinese still subconsiously follow this tradition. They may "worship" foreign idols in a very utilitarian manner (if they are superstitious) but Shangdi is the only truly Chinese God they would respect and take seriously in any way (admittedly after a spiritual fall of three thousand years, today's Shangdi is quite "humanised"). Even modern Chinese atheists rarely speak of Shangdi with disrespect.

3. This I believe is the most important aspect. The character and attributes of Shangdi is totally different from the gods of polytheistic cultures. The Egyptian and Greek gods were little more than more powerful versions of sinful human beings. Apart from their power (and they are not all-powerful anyway, humans in fact could potentially challenge them) there is nothing godly about them. In fact, from a moral perspective some of these gods are worse than human sinners. The Chinese God is not like this at all. Shangdi, like the Jewish God, is a moral God, a God of righteousness. Shangdi is also transcedental, all-powerful and did not just sit on a distant throne. He intervened with human affairs and listened to prayers. The Five Classics clearly shows Shangdi's interaction with the Chinese sage kings of old.
The Chinese God is a Good God in every sense of the word. One of the Five Classics, called the Book of Songs, contains a collection of about 300 poems written in the second millennium BC. Many of these poems are personal prayers to Shangdi, many others are praises of Shangdi's goodness and righteousness.

4.The ethical philosophy Shangdi taught the ancient Chinese is very similiar to the ethics found in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. It is possible to find a Chinese version that resonates with almost all of the Proverbs. The Ten Commandments are not found explicitly in the Chinese classics, (because China did not have Moses) but the ethics in these classics would resonate and agree with all of them. In fact, Shangdi taught the ancient sage kings of China humility before all else. As a result the sage kings of ancient China understood that their power were not their own and came from God, and as recorded in the Five Classics, all of their people lived in bliss under their rule. They did not abuse their power like the later (and modern) Chinese dictators. It seems that the ancient Chinese undertood the essence of democracy (which is to worship God) 4000 years ago, something that their descendants have apparently forgotten. Ancient Chinese ethics was very noble, something the polytheistic and mystical cultures did not have. For example, during a year of extreme draught in ancient China due to the wrath of God as a result of the Chinese's disobidence, the Sage King Shang Tang who ruled China at the time offered himself to God as a sacrifice so that the draught would cease. According to the Five Classics the draught stopped as a result of his faith and willingness to sacrifice himself for the people.

5. The Chinese written language (Chinese ideographs), one of the oldest in the world, apparently shows knowledge of early events as recorded in the Bible. The Chinese ideograph for "greed" is represented by a woman with two trees. (The original sin in the Garden of Eden) The Chinese ideograph for "big boat" literally means "boat with eight people" (there were eight people in Noah's Ark). The Chinese ideograph for "righteousness" is the ideograph for "me" lifting the ideograph for "lamb". Literally this means one is righteous if animal sacrifices are offered to God. There are hundreds of examples like this. Now, all of this may still be a coincedence if the other oldest written languages of the world also show similar things. But among the four most ancient written languages (of which Chinese is the only one still in actual use): Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Ancient Sumerian cuneiforms, Ancient Indus Valley (not to be confused with India, which is actually a later civilisation) glyphs and Chinese ideographs, only Chinese ideographs demonstrates Biblical origins. The others (well the Indus Valley writings still cannot be understood by anyone today) are all based on polytheistic traditions and demonstrate no connection with Biblical accounts. According to the most authoritative ancient Chinese mythology (not the later debased Buddhist stuff), the human race began with a man and a woman, the man's name is Andeng, the woman's name is Nuwa. This is the phoentically sinified versions of Adam and Eve. Another Chinese legends states that when the Chinese written language was created, the evil spirits cried with shock, as the secrets of Heaven have been revealed to the world of man and coded into the Chinese ideographs, so they could no longer control it easily.

6. The coming of Jesus Christ is indirectly predicted in the Chinese tradition. According to ancient tradition, every 500 years the God of heaven will send a sage to China in order to teach the people the Great Way. The last Chinese sage was Confucius. There is exactly 500 years between his death and the year when Jesus began to preach the Good News. Coincedence maybe? Perhaps. But in addition to this Confucius also commented that a great Holy King will arise in the West who will have perfect virtue. He also said this Holy Man will begin his teachings after thirty years. Jesus was about thirty years old when he began to preach. It seems there is more than just coincedences here.

7. Many great Christian scholars have also believed in the identity between the Chinese God and the Judeo-Christian God. They include the first Christian missionaries to China from Persia in the 7th century AD, the 17th century great Catholic Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci, who has probably been made a saint by the Chinese Catholic Church (I am not sure about this, once I found a Chinese Catholic site specifically dedicated to him, Chinese catholics are asking him to pray for them on this site, and also to pray for China too. It's quite interesting that although Ricci was Italian, he is seen by some Chinese catholics as a patriotic symbol, perhaps because he was a Confucian scholar as well as a Catholic Christian), the great 19th century Christian missionary and western Confucian scholar James Legge, who translated many Chinese classics into English, and the great 20th century Chinese philosopher Lin Yutang (who was also Christian and was widely learnt in both western and eastern philosophies).

8. Think about your argument that the false gods are actually evil angels. Now if the Chinese God were false, why would the Chinese be monotheistic and not polytheistic like all the other heathen cultures? It doesn't make much sense. Which god is the true one can be decided by signs, but it can also be decided to a certain extent by the ethical attributes of this god. None of the gods in any of the polytheistic cultures that I know of are all-righteous like the Chinese God Shangdi is.

9. I think you are correct when you said that it is not that God only wants one "choosen nation", but it is because the evil angels have blinded most of the cultures of the world. Now the Chinese may not have had a relationship with God that is as initimate as the Jews did, but apparently the Chinese recognition of the true God was enough to spare China from most of the evil influences. True, in China too evil angels have been at work throughout history, but the degree is far less compared with say, ancient Egypt, and they have never been able to become the subject of worship that would replace Shangdi completely. Perhaps this is why ancient Egypt and Babylon were eventually destroyed but ancient China survives today.

I believe the Chinese God is identical to the Judeo-Christian God. But I do not believe the Chinese Five Classics have the same degree of authority as the Bible does. For the Bible is actually God-inspired. (Some of the content in the Chinese classics could have been God-inspired too, there are Chinese Christians who think the Chinese should add these classics, or at least some of it, into the Chinese Bible, but the evidence that supports this action is indirect and not conclusive) But since the ancient Chinese during the Faithful Age did worship the one and only true God, I think the Chinese Five Classics, which resonate with the Bible to a very impressive degree, would have more weight of spiritual authority than the mythologies and legends of polytheistic cultures.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]But actually China is mentioned in the Bible at perhaps a quite significant point as the "land of Sinim")
Whoa! where? .. just wondering..
But very very interesting points there...
well you must also remember that all gentile nations are descendants of Noah, so they would have knowledge of the One True God.
Isaiah 49:12

"Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim."


"Sinim" was the ancient Hebrew word for China. There is no evidence or historical record of any direct contact between the Jews and the Chinese in BC times. However, both the Jews and the Chinese had contact with the Persians from a relatively early age. The Chinese traded with the Persians in BC times. Therefore the Jews must have learnt about the land of China from the Persian traders.

The English word "China" came from the name of a Chinese kingdom that existed from about the 7th century BC to the end of the 3rd century BC (it was this kingdom that united all of China in 221 BC), called "Qin" (pronunced as "Chin"). The kingdom of Qin was the westmost kingdom in China at the time and it definitely traded with the Persians. Therefore the Persians must have used the name of this kingdom to refer to all of China. In Hebrew, however, there is not a corresponding sound for "Q" in Chinese or "Ch" in English. The closest sound would be "Sin", therefore China was referred to in Hebrew as "Sinim". (I think it's pronunced as "Sheen-um") The words that refer to China in other western languages is based on the same sound structure: "Sinnai" in Greek, "Serre" in Latin, "Chine" (pronunced as "Sheen") in French. The prefix "Sino" is used to refer to things Chinese, e.g. "Sinology", which means Chinese studies.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
well you must also remember that all gentile nations are descendants of Noah, so they would have knowledge of the One True God.

Yes all the nations of the world are descendants of Noah, and therefore knowledge about the One True God would be present in all the ancient cultures.

However, it seems that different nations knew about God to different degrees. Most ancient gentile nations may have known about God, but their cultures were still largely based on polytheism and idol-worshipping. I believe in this sense ancient China was the exception. For the first 1500-2000 years of its history, the ancient Chinese worshipped a monotheistic God whose character is virtually identical to the God of Israel and the Chinese God was never worshipped with idols or images. As far as I know there is no other gentile culture that had a religious/spiritual system like this. But do inform me about it if you know about an ancient gentile culture that believed in monotheism and not idols.

So I believe that not only did the ancient Chinese knew about the One True God, they actually knew about Him quite well, much better than the other gentile nations did. God interacted with the ancient Chinese sages and kings, and for centuries the ancient Chinese people recognised that the One True God reigned over the Chinese Lands and they referred to Him as their Lord and Superme Ruler (Shangdi) and referred to China as "the Land of God" (Shenzhou, meaning China is a land that belongs to the One True God).
Lightning, I think that is one of the most beautiful posts I have ever seen written! One of my favorite topics is ancient cultures, although I've never taken the time to actually study them. (I've always wondered what pre-flood civilization was like)

But it raises some curiosities.

After reading point 6, it makes me wonder if maybe the wisemen who visited baby Jesus was actually Chinese, and if maybe it was also the king of the China who actually went to visit him. It would make sense why, spiritually, we keep trying to sing kings of orient east.

How much of the Shangdi is present in today's China?

We know, by the bible, that God loves and cares for those who love Him and keep His commands. It is obvious that the chinese did not receive the ten commandments or the law of moses as you have specified. But they did perform sacrifices in a similar manner and worship God in a similar manner. So I'm wondering if, sometime during their history, God gave them some sort of commandment or promise of protection?

Was there any Shangdi influence in ancient Japan?

Just curious.
Tell me then malohaut, if you believe you are christian then why have i not heard you utter:JESUS IS THE LORD? on a regular basis?
And as far as all nations having the knowledge of the ONE TRUE GOd as all are descended from Noah, where that is TRUE FOR AS LONG AS ONE GENERATION CHOSE TO PASS THAT INFORMATION TO THE NEXT, and they bothe worshipped HIM, NOT ALL DID THIS!
The heaven they went to build the tower to was it 1st heaven(the dome of the sky), 2nd heaven(The stars in the sky), or 3rd Heaven(THE KINGDOME OF THE FATHER).
Let me make it simple for you: it was 1st heaven.
They were having nothing to do with GOd.
But the problem is this, all those men building that tower were WORSHIPING themselves and NOT GOd, so is it now possible that after the scattering that somehow the TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF THE ONE TRUE GOd just leaped into them after so many generations of GOdLESSNESS has passed?
And since THE LORD GOd HAS the ability to get it right according to the pleasure of His ways, then there is NOT a need for A BACKUP CHINESE PLAN, AND SO TOO NOT A NEED for a second SEED. amen amen amen
i CAN SAY WITH 100% CERTAINTLY, THE VERY FIRST TIME THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE ONE TRUE GOd HAS VISITED ITSELF ON CHINA, WAS AFTER Paul took it to the gentiles, and they took it to China as missionaries. amen
The greeks had a temple to an unknown god and Paul said to them i have come to tell you His name, and it is Jesus.
But they did not make something out of this unknown god, only they created the temple to make sure no god was offended by being left out.
So then that single god the ancient chinese speak of, they did not know Him if they did not know His name.
Men of GOd know THE name OF GOd.
Here is a mystery for you:did Job know the name of THE LORD?
REad Job 1:21. Is it possible to say blessed by the name of THE LORD, and you do not also know the name?
FOr Seth DID KNOW THE NAME OF THE LORD(Genesis 4:26) and those same men were called THE SONS OF GOd. AMEN
And they spoke it in the spirit. amen
For that reason alone i can say with 100% certainty the land of China in that ancient day did NOT KNOW THE LORD GOd.
ONly they belived there was at least a god.
But here is actually what occured, men supplanted themselves and their imaginations for THE ONE TRUE GOd supposing as satan did that they could do better.
Do you actually believe that if men did not continuously receive the blessings from the GOd of Abraham they would continue to worship HIM?
In fact for they all fell away, they were cut off in a rapid order and all went to spite THE LORD GOd, by creating a false god and gods.
The measure of the faithe of men in GOd is not words written on paper, such as these i have written, but in the physical actions men do before others that by them all can say FOR THESE men ARE RIGHTEOUS AND RIGHTEOUS BROUGHT TO men BY GOd, THERE MUST BE GOd.
And now then in Isaiah 49:12 those men who come from Sinim are the ones the gentiles by Paul did to sow the seed for, and that day they will come is after Jesus has come down to sit on His throne. amen
AND now by THE SWORD OF GOd i have seperated the lies from the TRUTHE and made known to all, there WERE NOT ANY GOd men scatterd from the tower to go to China in the first place, and after the scattering THE FIRST AND ONLY man GOd CAME TO WAS ABRAM/ABRAHAM THE man WHO BECAME A JEW. AMEN AMEN AMEN
Be not deceived and led off on false tangents you sheep of THE LORD JESUS.
i am nothing0.

Thank you for your compliment. I don't think I deserve it at all. What I have written is not original. People have been making similar comments for centuries.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]After reading point 6, it makes me wonder if maybe the wisemen who visited baby Jesus was actually Chinese, and if maybe it was also the king of the China who actually went to visit him.  It would make sense why, spiritually, we keep trying to sing kings of orient east.

Well I suppose it is not impossible. But I dare not make comments on this point because so far I am not aware of any direct evidence to support it.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]How much of the Shangdi is present in today's China?

Not a lot compared with the ancients. China has lost its God-worshipping tradition 2500-3000 years ago, perhaps as a result of been deceived by the Dragon.

On the other hand the word "Shangdi", which is the Chinese word for God, is used widely by Chinese Christians to refer to the Christian God.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]We know, by the bible, that God loves and cares for those who love Him and keep His commands.  It is obvious that the chinese did not receive the ten commandments or the law of moses as you have specified.  But they did perform sacrifices in a similar manner and worship God in a similar manner.  So I'm wondering if, sometime during their history, God gave them some sort of commandment or promise of protection?

This is again possible. But the majority of written materials that date from before 1000BC in China have been lost. According to the philosopher Confucius the Chinese sage king Huangdi had written a book of the Heavenly Way in the 3rd millennium BC, but it has been lost completely a long time ago.

The only remanent of God's Law in ancient China that is still present today is this phrase:

"The Heavenly Way is to have faith in God and be loyal and trustworthy to the people."

Did God promise to protect the nation of China?

Well I am going to lay out some facts and you can freely interpret it in any way you would like.

Of the most ancient gentile civilisations, only China survives today. Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Indus Valley and Crete are all gone.

China in its ancient age has kept the purist form of monotheistic worship among all the gentile nations. The Chinese called their land the "Land of God". Shangdi has the same attributes as the God of Israel.

For nearly 5000 years China has survived against all odds. The odds that China survived against are no less than the odds that faced the nation of Israel. In Europe the Black Death is seen as a major event because one-quarter of the European population perished during this. Yet in Chinese history more than three-quarters of the population have perished at least ten times. Time and time again the nation of China stood on the very verge of complete extinction. In the 13th century AD the Mongol hordes conquered China and the great Khan was only a hair's width away from deciding to kill off every Chinese person so that the Chinese lands can be changed into a massive grassland for the Mongol horsemen. And yet time and time again China survived and came back.

Are these all just coincedences or is there something deeper here? I dare not say for certain. But I don't like to attribute everything to coincedences. That is the way of the atheists.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Was there any Shangdi influence in ancient Japan?

Not any that I know of. The native Japanese religion is called Shinto, which is based on the worship of the sun god and it stresses the martial militaristic spirit of warriors above love and righteousness. The Japanese name for their nation means "the land of the rising sun". The Japanese believe that Japan is the descendent of the sun god. Unlike Shangdi, the sun god is an idol. Shinto temples in Japan are filled with idols of their gods and deceased warriors. (Some of these warriors are in fact war criminals from World War II)

But if you think there is something very wrong with the ideas I have presented, please inform me about it as clearly as possible. Thank you.
hmm i just relized something. could the 3 maji that seeked baby Jesus out, is it possible that they were from china?
They would have to be from further East then the Roman Empire at the time. That would be from India and Eastward. China is definatly a candidate.
Although most authorities believe that Phoenicia is a better bet.

Or so I'm led to believe.

An ancient maritime country of southwest Asia consisting of city-states along the eastern Mediterranean Sea in present-day Syria and Lebanon. Its people became the foremost navigators and traders of the Mediterranean by 1250 B.C. and established numerous colonies, including Carthage in northern Africa. The Phoenicians traveled to the edges of the known world at the time and introduced their alphabet, based on symbols for sounds rather than cuneiform or hieroglyphic representations, to the Greeks and other early peoples. Phoenicia's culture was gradually absorbed by Persian and later Hellenistic civilizations
would their city-states have lasted till Jesus' time? and im checkin info now aswell


ok ok i did research, and since it was apart of roman empire yeah it existed. dangit g2g. *2 days later* ok im back. i would really believe that the wise men were from further east as india or china. even the song *we 3 kings* says we were from the orient. though that holds no water its just a thought.