I've been out of touch for awhile. Last year I posted a prayer request because I was having reconstructive foot surgery to my right foot, which occurred in July 2013. What was supposed to be 1 operation turned out to be 3. Overall, it was the 22nd operation to my right foot that dates back to 1990, when I was in a work accident where both feet were crushed by a 5000 lb generator. I've had chronic pain when walking or standing ever since.
I was non-weight bearing for 2 months. In October, I began 6 months of physical therapy. That ended in March. But my foot still has pain and swelling. Due to the type of surgery including orthopedic and plastic, the foot now has 3 plates and 18 screws plus about 75% of my right foot is covered with a skin graft.
Tomorrow, I'm having a more complex reconstructive surgery to my left foot. While it's similar to my right foot (bone fusions & reducing the high arch), it also involves moving the 4th and 5th toe so they're not on top of each other, cutting tendons, and shifting the heel slightly to the left. After all that's accomplished, my plastic surgeon takes over to install the new skin graft. This involves taking the outer most muscle on my inner thigh (gracilis muscle) and transferring it to the open wounds on the foot then new skin is placed over the muscle.
This is a 10 hour minimum operation with a 10 to 20-day stay in the hospital. I'll be non weight bearing for 2 to 3 months and the recovery time is 1 to 2 years.
So I ask for your prayers. One, to guide these surgeons hands as well as to minimize problems. Last summer's surgeries were originally supposed to be 1 long operation but turned into 3 over 7 days. Two, to help deal with the pain immediately after the surgery. Thankfully, I may get a nerve block which numbs below the knee but only lasts a few days. Three, for my recovery. As I said, I'm not fully healed from the surgeries to my right foot. At issue is the fact that my right foot still isn't healed and I'll need to rely on it in the coming months while recovering from tomorrow's surgery. I'm also a type 1 diabetic (insulin dependent). As a result, there is risk involved. BTW, I became a diabetic as the result of the accident so I've been dealing with all this for almost 24 years.
For those interested, follow this link for a collage of my right foot; how it looked prior to last summer's surgeries and how it looks today. I threw in an xray as well.
My left foot looks a little more mangled but will likely look like my right foot after tomorrow's surgery.
Please pray that everything goes smoothly.
God Bless,
PS, Aside from a few games on my Ipad and playing a little Xbox, I haven't done much gaming because I've spent the last 9 months doing everything I can to strengthen my right leg and foot. It became bone thin. It's still a little thinner than my left but I can live with that
I've been out of touch for awhile. Last year I posted a prayer request because I was having reconstructive foot surgery to my right foot, which occurred in July 2013. What was supposed to be 1 operation turned out to be 3. Overall, it was the 22nd operation to my right foot that dates back to 1990, when I was in a work accident where both feet were crushed by a 5000 lb generator. I've had chronic pain when walking or standing ever since.
I was non-weight bearing for 2 months. In October, I began 6 months of physical therapy. That ended in March. But my foot still has pain and swelling. Due to the type of surgery including orthopedic and plastic, the foot now has 3 plates and 18 screws plus about 75% of my right foot is covered with a skin graft.
Tomorrow, I'm having a more complex reconstructive surgery to my left foot. While it's similar to my right foot (bone fusions & reducing the high arch), it also involves moving the 4th and 5th toe so they're not on top of each other, cutting tendons, and shifting the heel slightly to the left. After all that's accomplished, my plastic surgeon takes over to install the new skin graft. This involves taking the outer most muscle on my inner thigh (gracilis muscle) and transferring it to the open wounds on the foot then new skin is placed over the muscle.
This is a 10 hour minimum operation with a 10 to 20-day stay in the hospital. I'll be non weight bearing for 2 to 3 months and the recovery time is 1 to 2 years.
So I ask for your prayers. One, to guide these surgeons hands as well as to minimize problems. Last summer's surgeries were originally supposed to be 1 long operation but turned into 3 over 7 days. Two, to help deal with the pain immediately after the surgery. Thankfully, I may get a nerve block which numbs below the knee but only lasts a few days. Three, for my recovery. As I said, I'm not fully healed from the surgeries to my right foot. At issue is the fact that my right foot still isn't healed and I'll need to rely on it in the coming months while recovering from tomorrow's surgery. I'm also a type 1 diabetic (insulin dependent). As a result, there is risk involved. BTW, I became a diabetic as the result of the accident so I've been dealing with all this for almost 24 years.
For those interested, follow this link for a collage of my right foot; how it looked prior to last summer's surgeries and how it looks today. I threw in an xray as well.
My left foot looks a little more mangled but will likely look like my right foot after tomorrow's surgery.
Please pray that everything goes smoothly.
God Bless,
PS, Aside from a few games on my Ipad and playing a little Xbox, I haven't done much gaming because I've spent the last 9 months doing everything I can to strengthen my right leg and foot. It became bone thin. It's still a little thinner than my left but I can live with that