Any official report?

My standard why should I care about this game and sell out my hard earned cash (from the players).

When is this game coming out (from the developers).

I am easy.
No release date yet. Rumors have it being in Q4, definitely this year, but no official date.

After Bioware ruined ME3's endings and Blizzard dropped D3, ArenaNet is the single best company to give your money too. If I had more money I would happily give it to them! That and the rest of ToJ is doing it so you should too :)
I second that. Even for a Beta event this shows the care and craftsmanship that has gone into this. Incredible graphics check, exciting game play check, bosses that are a challenge, but not impossible, check, a rational bank system, check, crafting that can hold interest, and requires some thought, check, massive maps with lots of things to do, check, overall story line that is of interest check. And I could go on and on, it is really worth the money on this one.
Since there is no monthly how can you NOT scoop this up? The 3 server Keep/Siege combat is worth the price of admission alone.
Icthus, it's a decent game. Visuals are pretty good but the combat is different.
I'm still trying to like the combat, I think it's too simple for it's own good, but that's my opinion.
Do I regret buying GW2, no, but if they don't improve combat, then I might.

Methinks you should wait for the game to be fully released before you has any thoughts about buying it.
I do agree that the combat seems overly simplified... however, I also feel like I need to wait and see how it shakes out when I've got more utility and elite skills to put into play and have put in the time to rebind the keys so that I can use them effectively.

I think it will also be different when I've invested the time to get serious on mumble and learn how the chat features work so that I can play with others.

It is getting more fun, the higher up the learning curve I climb.

If you're on the fence about it, I can certainly see the merit in waiting till the game comes out before you buy in... However, even if things don't improve between now and release (which they will), this is a solid gaming investment at the price. There are a lot of other games that charge the same for a lot less content and replayability than what we're going to get in GW2.

(Of course, if you just don't like this type of game, you just DON'T and you shouldn't get it. But if you do like this TYPE of game, GW2 should be at the top of your watch list... as most games like this charge you $60 just for the first 4-6 months.)