Bible study



Well, my mom owns bible commentary's on each book of the Bible and so I've been deep in the word lately. The book I am currently reading is Romans and I'll spend about 35-45 minutes before I go to bed reading through Barclay's commentary on Romans. I (although I could be wrong) feel a lot of the people in ToJ don't have daily Bible studies and don't take it seriously. I really challenge you all to set aside time to read the word each day, it's made a tremendous impact in my life, for one thing I've been a lot more patient, and if you're not doing it I'd ask you to ask yourself this question: Why do I call myself a Christian yet I do not read God's word? If you do set aside time each day to read, but are not applying what you read, I challenge you to ask how the scripture you are reading applies to your life. Just expressing my concern and desire for you all to grow as Christians, please heed my words.
Ya, ever since I got back from winter camp, I'v been reading a chapter of John each night. I also have a weekly bible study with a group of friends of mine, and am soon to start another study group. Reading my bible more has also made a huge impact in my life, I spend more time with God, and am learning alot. I also was blessed with the opportunity to bring somone to Christ a week ago =D He also is now planning on coming to our bible studys and youth group. The Lord really has blessed me and givin me a strong relationship with him
I have started doing a personal Bible study recently also. I have read a few books, and have sound some that have been really helpful to me. I have found verses that I can go to when I am angry about something, and these verses are very good at calming me down(James4). So I also want to encourage anyone who doesn't do a regular Bible study to do so.

God Bless
In my Christian journey thus far, I've discovered some things about doing a personal bible study:

1. It's often very hard to just sit down and say "I'm gonna read a book of the bible every month", or something to that effect...we often get bored, and most of the time when we read it it's because we want to just "have it read" zip said we often don't apply things... So I just want to warn you that if you have never done personal bible study before, that may not be the way to go. But, it does work for a lot of people.

2. Oftentimes a personal devotional book can be better. Not only does it get you in the word, but it can show you how to apply what you've learned. Two I would recommend are Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado, for those who are relatively new to the Word, or My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers for the veterans/older people in the crowd. Right now I'm going through the second one.

One thing that's really good to do, when using a devotional aid, is to read the context of the scripture that the devotional picks out. Sometimes you'll find that you really want to read more from where the daily message came from

I wish you all healthy journies in Christ
Wow! Add my vote to "My Utmost For His Highest". That made such an incredible impact in my Christian walk. Just about each day the devotional was EXACTLY something I would deal with that day. I have heard others say the same thing.

If anyone is interested, we would love to have you join in the daily bible reading on this forum. It's located in the "Bible In A Year Daily Discussion" forum. You can follow the chronological order we are going in, or do something else. It doesn't really matter. But if anyone is interested, please help and join in the conversation.

We are currently in Numbers.
I must say its been really had for me to get into a routine of reading my bible daily. Im just a slacker.

I found that keeping a journal of what i read helps a lot. I bought an old diary and just write in there anything that jumps out while im reading.
yeah daily devoations for me are non existance. usually when i read my Bible i am making a lesson or studing for one. sounds bad maybe but i do learn, and then i am able to teach what i have learned.

What you mean just going to church isnt enough
man this Christian thing is alot harder than i thought.....

Guys/Gals God is just like a Boy/Girl friend, how are you suppose to love Him and know what He likes/doesnt like. Church is great but it isnt enough. As with all GOOD relationships you have to spend time talking to each other. IT is estamated that married cupples when first married talk 70 mins a day. By year 5 it was down to 3 mins on average. The married couple has the better relationship because they spend time together. Izip the challenge is good, But guys i encourage you to do more than just a daily Devo or something. take time away from (o gosh) ToJ and the computer and maybe just open the Bible and read a little, or do another Devo study from the past that you may feel that could help you out today.( usually done after work or in the evenings so you can reflect on the day). Neway dont want to be late for my "Higher" education better go

In Christ
*peeks his head in the door* Umm, any of you all want to host an online Bible study on IRC? The offer's open to anyone willing to teach (and with sound doctrine, of course). If you're interested, please send an e-mail to

By the way, online Bible studies will fall under the "umbrella" of Christian Gamers Alliance activities and be open to all Christian gaming groups. Well, it'll be open to anyone, of course, but invites will go out to all Christian gaming group leaders for them to forward to their members.

Here is something that might help you get into a [good] routine. I would suggest starting off small, like maybe one chapter a day. Commit to God that you are going to read one chapter a day for the next week. Stick to that commitment. And don't just read it, apply it and understand it. Meditate on it.

I can guarantee that meditating on one chapter can take a while. Also, something that has helped me get into that "routine" is the book of Proverbs. There is so much wisdom and life applicable principles it's not even funny. But, if you notice that Proverbs has 31 chapters, and the most days in a month is 31. I usually read the chapter that corresponds to the date, for instance on the first of March (my birthday!), I started reading Proverbs all over again, starting on chapter 1. Then March 2, chapter 2, etc, etc, etc...

I started doing that with Psalms also. I also read other various books of the bible. This helped me get into a good routine and now I am actually "learning" God's word. That repetition has helped to to learn many verses, especially in Proverbs, and apply them to my life and to other's as well. There is nothing more powerful than quoting a scripture in the time of need, and having the power of God act in that.

Once you have that week down. Commit to 2 weeks. After, increase it to a month. After 30-40 days of repeating an action it becomes a habit and you will not forget!

Let me know if any of you decide to do this. Maybe try and find an accountability partner to ask how you are doing with your commitments as well. (Choose someone who will actually be accountable and get in your face).
yup elite, thats exactly what our youth pastor suggested. We all have accountability partners and read a chapter a night. We do a bible study every week and go over what we have read that week. It's really helped us all get into a better relationship with God. We've also been alot more bold in our faith. I'v also recently started reading the kids left behind series. I plan to move on to the adult ones when I'm done with the kid ones. I cant wait till our bible study gets to read revalations. I'm addicted to reading the left behind books, they really explain alot =D
Just a suggestion, but after looking at what Tek posted to modify his idea a little bit. How about making a forum Topic where people can vote a what book of the Bible they want to read and then once that is decided they all go read and post their comments on it. Then if everyone can kinda follow along. Even if they don't participate they can still read along as everyone else discusses. Yes, i know it will be a slower discussion, but once some people get to see how it works they man join. We can set up a couple forum admins to govern over the Bible study so that nobody posts stuff off topic on waht is supposto be a serious topic. Simply there would be a roster in the forum to sign up for the Bible study. Then a poll would be put up and there would be about a few days to a week for people to vote on what book (all books would be listed) then once it's been decided a forum admin will announce it and once the book that was voted for the most has been announced everyone that signed up for the study reads the book (anyone can join in at any time by simply posting on the roster thread). The study would go 1 chapter a day. So say Proverbs is the chosen book, well for the first day after it has been announced as the chosen book everyone reads the first chapter of proverbs and then posts their thoughts (as in what they got out of the reading). Once the book has been finished then a new poll would be posted (after deleting the old one) for the next book that people would like to discuss (leaving the old thread about the previous book alone so that people can go back and look at them). Anyways that's just some idea that has been bugging me most of the day. It seemd to just want to be heard, so here it is.

Feel free to modify or add to this idea, but I think i got the basics covered.

God Bless

P.S. please forgive the bad grammer it's late
Cool idea Chaos. I probably wouldn't join in becuz I'm involved in study groups already. But I would check in and see others comments on the chapters they read. It would be interesting seeing what everyone gets out of each book =D