Black Hawk Down is one of my favorite books.
I love the writing style the author takes. It's based on a factual event, and the author portrays the individual accounts in a very realistic way. You get to learn about the soldier's personal lives, as well as their thought processes during combat. It makes for a very unique and even fun read.
I think one of the biggest highlights about the book, at least for me, is how it shows the combat in a three-dimensional perspective. For instance, a chapter might be describing a scene unfold where the first helicopter crashes. First it would describe the crash from a pilot's point of view. Then from a soldier's, who was on the ground and witnessed the helicopter's explosion in the air. Lastly, it would describe how the special forces and medics tried to get in to the area to secure the area and rescue the pilots. The author does a superb job of going back and forth between different witnesses' points of view, including some Somali's. I further give credit to the author for not including his own bias throughout the story, and only involving the soldiers'.
The book does contain some crude language. I feel that it's introduced in a way that's appropriate for the situations, however.