Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
Improved threading performance on computers with only 2 cores.
Additional performance optimizations
Added an option to pre-cache all shaders during load time. This fixes hitching related to shader compiling on some video cards when viewing an area of the map for the first time.
Fixed random freezes in certain computer configurations.
Allow Team Change on Ranked servers when it does not unbalance teams (this is a server admin option).
Allow Team Change grace period at start of match (server admin option).
Added 4 more reserved slots (server admin option)
Added /connect
Improved quickmatch results (server side change)
Fix for watching films through Combat Record
Fixed compassSpectatorsSeeEnemies exploit
Fixed 3rd person fov exploit
Fix for infinite supply drop exploit.
Fixed crosshair flickering when stereo is active.
Various spawn improvements
Various sound improvements
Fix for Zombies – Teammate shadows not displayed properly.
Fix for radar not staying on in One in the Chamber when it should.
In a Domination match, the Position Secured medal is no longer delayed.
'Hardened: Equipment Shot' Challenge can now be completed by destroying a 'Camera Spike'.
Fix for choppy final killcam in dedicated servers.
Various map glitches fixed.
Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
Added mixed hardcore playlist
Added mixed barebones playlist
Added 12 player versions of all playlists
Less problems, yay!