Certain music...


New Member
For me, growing up in Eastern Kentucky has shown me a lot of things in this world...namely what Granny and Uncle Mike say are likely to be entirely false. However, growing up listening to a vast array of music genre, be it Gospel, alternative rock, heavy metal, industrial metal, nu metal, what have you, I've often heard the term "That's Devil music!" thrown my way. Even when I attempted to let my family listen to As I lay Dying, my grandma still said "Thats just a wolf in sheeps clothing, look how they look! It just like them satanists on tv".

Now my grandma, God Bless her, is one of the back country, set in her ways so you might as well not even attempt to sway her kind of people. This, however, brings my to my question...or really questions; Why do people judge others based upon how they look, or the kind of music they listen to so often? Also, like with me, I detest what Rammstein's song "Mein Teil" is about. The lyrics are absolutely disgusting, and anyone who knows the song knows what I mean. However the guitar in that song...I love it. I can listen to the instrumental alone for hours because of the heavy riffs, and just sort of "war anthem" beat it has to it. But my question is, is this wrong?
I LOVE Metallica since 1988. Kill 'em All is my FAV album ever. I thought when I really got serious with being a Christian I had to give it all up. I gave away or sold on ebay everything I had. Tons of stuff! People would get me Metallica stuff for birthdays and christmas. I was sad to see it go, but thought.. I can't listen to that anymore because I'm a Christian! Oh my heart ached because the music was really what I wanted more than the lyrics now. But...... I know who I am in Christ and Metallica can still be a part of me now. Jesus healed my pain.. Metallica expressed that pain but never gave me healing. I can listen to them and actually enjoy the music with the lyrics just seeming to be there without power, if you know what I mean.

Only the Holy Spirit can guide you in the yes or no of what is ok for YOU to do. It took some time for me to see that I could bring back Kill 'em All and still be right with Jesus.

IF He cut that out totally from my life.. I would still be ok with it since He knows best <3

I binge & purge on Metallica now ;)
If you feel guilty listening to the types of music you describe, and it's because of how you feel, not what people tell you, then I'd advise you stop listening. However, if it's just other people, and you feel fine, and your relationship with God is unhindered by it, I'd say go ahead and keep listening to it.

I personally do not think there is anything wrong with Heavy Metal/Screamo Christian bands. Who are we as humans to judge these bands based upon what kind of music they sing? Aren't we called to share God's love with everyone? These Christian bands that are in harsh genres are doing just that. They are appealing to a rejected group of people. They are showing the world that you can be successful without harsh, disgusting, and gross lyrics. They are letting their lights shine.

I gotta go with your Grandma on this. Satan can come as an angel of light. It doesn't matter how good or great it seems, looks or sounds we need to still judge it according to God's word.

The very first thing Satan did in the Bible was take what God had said, changed it just a small bit and look at the trouble we're all in now because of a small variance from what was pure. (It could be argued that Adam failed in his duties to properly train his wife in God's word but that's for another day). No matter how close to God it gets, if it's not purely God, it's of satan. A master of lies.

After salvation we are called to be new men. We are told that old things are past away. We are told that if we are friends with the world we are enemies of God. The word for church in the Bible means a "called out" assembly. We have been called out of this world. We are no longer to be a part of it or the things of it. We are called to be different from the world.

IMHO - When we start bringing the things of this world into the Church (and into our lives) in order to bring the lost into the church we have lost our way. We have lost what makes us different.

Very quick shotgun blast of my feelings on this.

I believe this way because it's what I'm convicted of, it's what I believe the Bible teaches and it's been very successful in my life.

As others have pointed out in other threads about this, they don't believe they would have come to Christ had it not been for the very things I stand against and feel it has a very important part of Christianity for them.

It's a personal decision you have to make for yourself with God's help. Seek counsel from Godly people. Especially those who don't believe the way you want to believe to get a full view of all opinions and beliefs. We have been given almost complete freedom in Christ. But that freedom comes with responsibilities and requirements. Make sure you understand those responsibilities and requirements.

And if you believe even a little bit that what you're doing is wrong, stop it. The Bible clearly tells us that it is now sin for you to continue.
Last night at our Men's Fellowship I heard an interesting viewpoint from our speaker for the evening, a born-again Christian who was born a Roman Catholic (RC) in the South of Ireland. Where he was born was an RC community, which obviously had a RC way of life, and Sunday Mass was every Sunday morning. He went to an RC school , and played RC sports, had RC friends etc. To cut to the point, when he heard the gospel and was born again, he became a new creation in Christ. But, he was still from an RC family, with RC friends, at an RC school, playing RC sports etc. Whilst he was now a Christian, life had to go on. He is now training to be a Christian Minister with the Presbyterian Church of Ireland. He still, however, maintains his links with his family, his friends, and his community and still plays RC sports.

Some Protestants might have said when he became saved he should have 'come out from amongst them', but the way he views it is that he has the opportunity to reach out to his friends and family. Romans 12 verse 2 tells us not to be conformed to the ways of the world, 'but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, in order to prove by you what is that good and pleasing and perfect will of God'.

To me not being conformed means basically, don't think the way the world thinks; be different; be separate. Separate your thinking from the world. It doesn't mean come out of the world, be a hermit, a monk or whatever. By continuing to be IN the world, you are witnessing to the world, as Christ commanded, Mark 16 v 15 "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel"

What's the point? In order to survive, you must continue to live in this world until the Lord Jesus calls you home. You must work in the world Genesis 3:19 "by the sweat of your brow", and as human beings we need rest and relaxation. If you choose to relax and listen to music, then so be it. If you like Gospel, listen to that. If you like rock, then listen to that. If you like dance, then do the same. Do what you enjoy doing - it might not be pleasing to some, but then you're not doing it to please others, but only yourself.

The friends of that young Presbyterian minister that play Gaelic football with him are not saved, and they think he is mad, but they respect him for what he believes. It doesn't deter him from playing. If you want to listen to heavy metal, and you enjoy it, then do it, provided it doesn't interfere with your walk with God. Personally I love trance music, but can listen to rock, as well as Celtic ballads. I hate country and western, and Gospel just doesn't do anything for me (although I do sing Gospel in a choir and really enjoy doing it, because I'm serving my Master). It's not a matter of doing something to please others, or to follow a tradition. Pray about it, and listen to God's answer - then you will know what to do.
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Would you let a geezer weigh in on this? I happen to like a lot of different types of music, including Heavenly Metal, Gospel, New Age, Techno, Opera, Classical, Bluegrass almost everything but Rap. The biggest problem is with lyrics, and boils down to a simple programming statement, Garbage In, Garbage Out. We are to think on the things that are good and holy:
Philippians 4:8
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
8 Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things.

That is why I don't listen to Rap or to secular metal, the lyrics just are not stuff I want to put into my head. The group Apologetix has been a real blessing to me because they do a wide range of parodies ranging from country to rock and every thing in between. I can listen to my stuff from the early 60's to 2000's, yet have lyrics worth listening to. To put it another way, would you want your Savior and Lord to listen to the lyrics you are listening to?
Would you let a geezer weigh in on this? I happen to like a lot of different types of music, including Heavenly Metal, Gospel, New Age, Techno, Opera, Classical, Bluegrass almost everything but Rap. The biggest problem is with lyrics, and boils down to a simple programming statement, Garbage In, Garbage Out. We are to think on the things that are good and holy:
Philippians 4:8
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
8 Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things.

That is why I don't listen to Rap or to secular metal, the lyrics just are not stuff I want to put into my head. The group Apologetix has been a real blessing to me because they do a wide range of parodies ranging from country to rock and every thing in between. I can listen to my stuff from the early 60's to 2000's, yet have lyrics worth listening to. To put it another way, would you want your Savior and Lord to listen to the lyrics you are listening to?

This. Exactly how I would have put it if I were 10-15 years older than I am now.
Would you let a geezer weigh in on this? I happen to like a lot of different types of music, including Heavenly Metal, Gospel, New Age, Techno, Opera, Classical, Bluegrass almost everything but Rap. The biggest problem is with lyrics, and boils down to a simple programming statement, Garbage In, Garbage Out. We are to think on the things that are good and holy:
Philippians 4:8
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
8 Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise—dwell on these things.

That is why I don't listen to Rap or to secular metal, the lyrics just are not stuff I want to put into my head. The group Apologetix has been a real blessing to me because they do a wide range of parodies ranging from country to rock and every thing in between. I can listen to my stuff from the early 60's to 2000's, yet have lyrics worth listening to. To put it another way, would you want your Savior and Lord to listen to the lyrics you are listening to?

The songs with lyrics I listen to, sure. I won't listen to something with horrible lyrics, which really is why the majority of rap doesn't appeal to me, however stuff like the instrumental only of a song, I'd be fine with it.
I actually destroyed many CDs when I became Born Again. Most of it made me feel bad about myself or brought about cynical thoughts. My music interests are very broad ranging from CCM, smooth jazz, classical, rock, grunge, 80s & 90s hip hop, dance, R&B & soul, Bollywood, techo, DJ mixes, etc. My favorite music is from the 60s to the mid-90s. I rarely listen to today's secular music. On my radio station dial, it's either Spirit 105.3 (Seattle CCM), KJR (classic rock) & Warm 106.9 (soft rock). The lyrics of a song are still weighed out when I listen to music. Kyrel, I need to admit that I love Metallica's 5th album: Metallica :)
I am not going to list the bands or songs that I used to listen to because I don't even want people to look them up out of curiosity.

Suffice it to say that I agree with what ursen has stated in a nutshell.

The Litmus test for things such as these is Does it exalt Christ in you or something else?

My own personal experience as well as with those whom I have met with is the following:

Songs with depressing or hateful lyrics tend to generate, foster and feed depression and hate among the listeners.
The same is true for lustful lyrics and fearful lyrics.

Praise and worship has a powerful healing effect because it exalts and fosters Christ in the individual, so if that is true for praise and worship, what are the other songs praising and worshipping?

The real awakening moment for me was when I was first becoming acquainted with Christ, and I attended a concert that weekend for a band that I was interested in (heavy metal, non-Christian) and the lead performer had the entire audience lift their hands, and it really reminded me of an evil praise and worship session. I got out of there as quickly as I could.
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Let me put in another plug for Apologetix. They have a wide range of music styles they do, and do well, and all of their music is biblical based. Also they have a lot of songs available, do you want a parody of Achy Breaky? Check. Slim Shady? Check. Jail House Rock? Check. Hotel California? Check. American Pie? Check. Detroit Rock City? Check. The Joker? Check (Jehovah). And a bunch of stuff from 2000's. They are very prolific, and treat their talents as a ministry.
I don't let the opinions of other people's musical style preferences bother me. While I do tend to listen (almost) exclusively to artists that are Christians, I am not going to submit to man's opinions on how to sing songs that glorify God.

Read up on David's opinion in 2 Samuel 6.
Ok, I'm the Christianity newb here, so prepare yourselves for a truckload of questions.
Only the Holy Spirit can guide you in the yes or no of what is ok for YOU to do. It took some time for me to see that I could bring back Kill 'em All and still be right with Jesus.
This sounds like you're saying that certain music is ok for some people to listen to but not for others. Am I correct and if so, how can something be sin for one person and not sin for another?

I personally do not think there is anything wrong with Heavy Metal/Screamo Christian bands. Who are we as humans to judge these bands based upon what kind of music they sing? Aren't we called to share God's love with everyone? These Christian bands that are in harsh genres are doing just that. They are appealing to a rejected group of people. They are showing the world that you can be successful without harsh, disgusting, and gross lyrics. They are letting their lights shine.
What about non-Christian bands that do the same thing? Does labeling yourself Christian make your music right?
Ok, I'm the Christianity newb here, so prepare yourselves for a truckload of questions. This sounds like you're saying that certain music is ok for some people to listen to but not for others. Am I correct and if so, how can something be sin for one person and not sin for another?

We who are saved are now under Grace. All things are possible but not all are profitable. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin. Some people feel some things are sin and others do not. If you think it's a sin to do something then it is a sin. If you think it is ok to do it (and the Holy Spirit hasn't told you otherwise) then it is ok.
As people mature in Christ, the Holy Spirit will give more freedom for certain things and will more tightly restrict others. In the broadest sense, these things are not sin in and of themselves but effect our growth and the growth of those around us.
So, some things are sin for some but not for others.

What about non-Christian bands that do the same thing? Does labeling yourself Christian make your music right?

For some people, slapping the term Christian on something and using it to uplift God makes it ok no matter how worldly it's origin. (See above statements)
To me, this can be a very slippery slope and so I'm waiting for Christian pornography to prove my point.
For some people, slapping the term Christian on something and using it to uplift God makes it ok no matter how worldly it's origin. (See above statements)
To me, this can be a very slippery slope and so I'm waiting for Christian pornography to prove my point.

Only issue with your reasoning is pornography is something that the Bible explicitly forbids.
You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[a] 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. - Matthew 5:27-28

The Bible never forbids Heavy Metal and the like. It only tells us that we should be careful what we listen to (forget where). If the lyrics are fine and dandy, there is no reason to believe that it will harm you, unless told by God.
No genre of music is "Devil Music." Bands have to be evaluated individually. Just like every other form of entertainment in this world.
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No genre of music is "Devil Music." Bands have to be evaluated individually. Just like every other form of entertainment in this world.
Thanks, Joshinator - well stated.

If you are basing "Devil Music" on lyrics, you'd have to dump most Country Western as well as Heavy Metal and a lot of Rock. I choose my music based on favorites through the years, how it makes me feel while doing certain tasks and activities, a few other criteria - THEN the lyrics. That would be the last factor in the decision making process.

I'm pretty eclectic in my music listening - just about everything except Rap and Opera, with a leaning toward Classic Rock. If you look through my iTunes play-lists there are many pieces most Christians wouldn't tolerate. One of my favorite play-lists is a Third Day/U2 mix. It surprises me when I am doing a Genius list on some rock band and Third Day pops in there.
Never seen that verse. Seen it prohibit lust and fornication but never Christian porn.

pornography (pɔːˈnɒɡrəfɪ)

— n
1. writings, pictures, films, etc, designed to stimulate sexual excitement
2. the production of such material

If you tell me that isn't lustful, than I don't know what is.

Also the greek word porneia includes the concept of pornographic material according to a greek scholar who I have consulted with. The Apostle Paul commands us to flee porneia.[/OFF THE BEATEN PATH]

I pretty much wholly agree with Abba San. That's pretty much what I do. If you don't feel good while listening to it, don't listen to it. Now, I usually always stay away from music with expletives because I don't want those to somehow come out of me, due to the constant bombardment I sustain on a day to day basis. That's just a personal choice.
That's the nice thing about Christianity. We can discern stuff for ourselves.
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Easiest way to explain it is, "Garbage in, garbage out." Songs with depressing, sexual or profane lyrics are going to affect your thoughts, moods, and vocabulary. I would advise you to avoid them. But don't let that stop you from listening to secular music. Look up the lyrics before you listen to a song, or listen to the song but shut it off at the first hint of off-color lyrics and don't listen to it again. I usually listen to songs on youtube or Pandora before I consider buying them.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the way a band looks or music sounds (unless of course they're blatantly satanic in their tattoos and attire). Lots of bands who love the Lord look rather counter-culture, but appearance is only skin-deep. God sees their hearts.

I didn't catch any hint of this in anything you said, so this is just a friendly reminder. Be sure to be respectful of your grandma and her wishes. If she doesn't want to hear your music then listen to it on an mp3 player, or turn it down so low that only you can hear it. God calls us to respect both our elders and people in authority over us even if we don't agree with their old-fashion ways.
Never seen that verse. Seen it prohibit lust and fornication but never Christian porn.

I uh.. there are no words. There's no such thing as "christian porn".. porn encourages lust and creates more problems than it solves (does it even solve ANYTHING?). Christian means christ-like and I don't recall Jesus encouraging something as low as porn.

BUT to the topic at hand! I think if music has any strong negative message (whether it be sexual, violent, depressing, or other messages) then I think you should generally avoid it. Not all secular music is like this though, and once you eliminate the negative options, what you're left with just comes down to your personal taste in music.