Character leveling


New Member
Well, TBC is right around the corner it seems and I thought this was a good place to ask this question.

When TBC which character will those multi-character people decide to level? The main reason I ask this is that it would be nice to have a nice rounded group for leveling in TBC.

Personally it is going to be an easy decision for me. I will NOT be leveling my hunter anytime soon. Besides for that it is hard to say. I like my other 3 60s and am torn as to who to level. Angus is the best geared so far. Maybe if others post who they will level it will make my choose easier.

Angusog - Maybe going Demon/Destruct spec this time around
Buto - Diving deeper into the shadows
Smertios - combat/dagger or combat/swords build. not certain which

Who to pick for the good of the guild, not certain. And don't say which one I enjoy playing more. As a wise person once said, "You must consider them all alts or all mains."
My hunter will be primary, followed by my rueage/mage and finally my pally, though the changes to Pally *might* mean I will take him out more often.
I am thinking of doing my Hunter and druid back and forth actually. I know it will be slower, but I am in different moods at different times.
Who is going to start leveling a shaman?

I only have 1 level 60 so my druid is the only one I will level seriously.
Considering I play alliance on this server and I have at least one class and race available to the alliance, I will create a Draenei shaman the day I login with TBC. But he will only be played when I am the only one on or bored with the other characters.
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My order of leveling... in order of personal preference:

Durruck (staying frost mage)
Herekitykity (staying feral)
Draenai Shammy

However, I recognize that the guild dynamics may not let me play my mage the most, but I will get there.
I believe the reason he said that is it would be better if we have a well rounded group for leveling. This will make it easier to level and run instances.
I intend to level Wend first and in the off times start a Draenei Shaman. Jaid would prolly be the next to level to 70 unless there are uber herbs that I just can't wait to get my hands on, in which case Ryer will come out and level.

Wend - disc/holy priest -- total healer still
Jaid - resto -- total healer still
Ryer - bm/mm -- solo build

Baby Shammy -- whatever the talents are towards the healing spec
I will be working on my pally first. I have a love for the class that won't die no matter how Blizz messes with it. I am hoping for a little dps fun even if shammies are supposed to be geared that way more than pallies.

I will be watching to see how the guild is balanced with those leveling toward 70. If we are good for paladins and hunters are lacking, then I may forego my pally in favour of my hunter.

The rumours seemed to be that instances were going to require certain class balances in Outland. This may require some to go hard on leveling shamen. I will not be able to commit great amounts of time to the task of leveling a shammy but would like to encourage and give kudos to whomever would take on the task of bringing one into the 60s. I will also probably roll a Draenei shaman for when I feel the need to see a level achieved (considering how long it appears it will take to level in the 60s).

PS - Looking over the guild roster, we seem to have a good spread of 60s accross all classes except 'locks. I would encourage our level 60 'locks to not abandon their class for any of their alt classes.

PPS - Of course, I would like to encourage fun and enjoyment of the game foremost. We are not a raiding guild. So, if someone with a 'lock would more enjoy leveling a different class to 70, then more power to ya. :)
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From my understanding, Blizz was going to turn palies to holy tanks and shamans into more of a healer hybrid. Maybe I am wrong????
When Blizz was doing all the interviews after moving into the alpha of BC, Jeff Kaplan told Joystiq:

We feel like because we made this decision, we're finally free to make the classes be what they were originally supposed to be. We wanted the Paladin to be more tank oriented, that holy tank that heals. And, we can focus the Shaman more on his DPS and utility roles.
Durruck said:
However, I recognize that the guild dynamics may not let me play my mage the most, but I will get there.
Why do ya say that?

Because we have several people that consider their active level 60 mage their main. We have 11 L60 mages:
Ambryana: Sheri's main
Durruck: My main
Gawyn: Jamie's Alt - he seems to slightly prefer his rogue, but likes playing mage too
Lunarmyst: Kate. Seems to be playing her priest more. No idea what her goals are
Lynus: Evan's Main
Mailliwivad: David's Main (currently on Leave of Abscence, Military IIRC?)
Meshach: Todd's Main, though with baby Brooke, his playtime is limited.
Reasonable: Chris' main.
Zennen: I assume this is Tarrus' main now.
Zenoir: Adam's Alt, but he's expressed interest in playing Zen in TBC.

That puts us with at least 7 active mages that are considered mains. It's infeasable to think that I'll be able to get into a 25-player raid as the 7th mage. I can't even get into MC as the 7th mage in a 40-player instance. I'm giving in to the fact that I'll play my mage when other people can't come, and therefore there's room... my druid or priest when there's not.
Mage is the only character I will be playing. Granted, I can only make a raid on Fri, Sat, Sun. And that is only if life does not happen first.