Officer SOE/LoE/Where's "here"?
Ok sometimes we can't get to our chosen church for Sunday worship or the day you get to go. Like Wednsday or Saturday Bible study. Such as some of the Salvation Army churches have thier Salvation Meeting on Saturdays. But let's say you have work, illness, or weather issues keeping you at home, what do you use to replace that precious Worship time? An extra hour of study, watch a tv ministry, what replaces it? I have no tv, so I go on line and pick up the previous weeks message from Pea Ridge Baptist Church, or go to In Touch Ministries on line and pick up Dr. Charles Stanleys message. It is not the same as being there in person, but it is a way to feed yourself. And to have a regular plan for those times keeps us from just blowing off feeding on the Word of God and taking a day off.