Clan :CyB: kicks the bucket


New Member
So, my clan leader today informed me that he is dissolving my clan. What this means to you all is, I will be playing UT rarely now, with the exception of our Sunday nights, which I will now be able to attend more often.

The rest of my time will be spent on Star Wars Galaxies and Tribes Vengeance.

See you every Sunday.

*edit* Oh yeah, my name is []kraniac again.
Blar. Sure you don't want to lead a UT2004 competition team?
Wow, that stinks. So just because your clan died you aren't gonna play UT2004 much anymore? Sad. Oh yeah, what's this competition team?
Yeah Kraniac you could form and lead a competition team with fellow ToJ'rs. There are some very good players in ToJ. I'm sure there will be some interested. Post it up and see what kinda bites you might get and then decide.
Sorry for double posting, but it looks like the best choice for a ladder is the Team Warfare League (TWL). They have a 2v2 ladder and a 4v4 ladder.

They also have Assault and CTF 5v5, which I could try to lead. I certainly wouldn't be as capable, though.

And then, they have an ONS league, but that's a whole 'nother animal and certainly not something I would want to lead.

Additionally, there is Instagib, which falls under the realm of "above us" at the moment. The hardcore IG people would kill us quickly.

So my vote is certainly for 4v4 TDM if we can get the people.
I'd like to be listed as a backup for the team.

Heh. I know I'm already stretched too thin, but I rather enjoy competitive play. My entire "career" consists of playing as a ringer in a TeamFortress Classic match and representing Tribe of Judah in a Counter-Strike match. Still, 'twas fun. I'd love to do it again.