Convention room arrangements

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Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Greetings, all!

This thread is dedicated to working out room arrangements for the 2004 Christian Gamers Alliance convention. Since there's a $60 savings if you share a room with another attendee, I suggest pairing up with someone for event. If you're traveling to Tulsa by yourself and don't already have a "bunk buddy" picked out, then post here and we'll do our best to assign rooms.

Obviously, there will be no co-ed room arrangements allowed at this event EXCEPT if the attendees are married. After all, it'd be quite silly to have a husband and wife room separately. The "husband and wife" convention package will cost $320 for both attendees.

I'll start us off.

I, Pete a.k.a. Tek7, will be rooming with Jon, a.k.a. Elihu.

Ember, my girlfriend, will be rooming with Itsuka, Jon's fiancee.
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I think if it's alright (assuming my job permits me to come), I'd like to stay in a room with my wife.
Pending scheduling disasters (I'm packed water-tight for the whole summer) I am available as a roomie to whomever. Chances that I'm there are very good, on the order of 95%. I am registered, and if something _does_ go wrong, I'll notify everyone as soon as possible.
I should be there... im booking tickets this week.. woohooo

So anyone thats immune to the sounds of me wretching all through the night due to jetlag can room with me
Can Pasta AND Rizz AND I be all together by chance? It'd be like having a barrell of monkeys! Except the monkeys would be in a box, not a barrell!!!!! Oh snap!

I'm up for whoever wants to claim me, though I do preserve the right to veto.
I'm pretty agreeable though, and my hygeine's excellent. Just come take a wiff of me you'll love it. Plus I only bite occasionally.
I was hoping it'd stay active enough to not need a pinning. I've also thought about creating a separate forum for all convention threads. Of course, that means that those threads will get less eye traffic and some newcomers to the forums might not learn about and get interested in attending the convention.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tolkien @ Mar. 08 2004,7:51)]I think if it's alright (assuming my job permits me to come), I'd like to stay in a room with my wife.  
That is un-acceptable and will not be tolerated.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bowser @ Mar. 15 2004,12:09)]That is un-acceptable and will not be tolerated.
*smacks Bowser* That would be perfectly acceptable, Tolkien. I welcome any husband and wife couples to attend the convention and room together; however, this is the ONLY situation where members of the opposite sex may room together.

*turns and pokes Bowser in the ribs*
I don't believe I can make it this year, but when I do next year i'de do anything to room with exo or LOJ. I gotta cling to mah warcraft III buddies like a leach.
exo is much cooler.... trust me ^_^ room with him i am just the mumbler like tek who has lost his mind
Bringing this back from the dead.

Right now i know of 4 definiates that will be needing room budies. or atleast in the same hotel.

LionOfJudah (3rd person woot)

we could all pwn it ghetto style and put 4 to a room....
[b said:
Quote[/b] (LionOfJudah @ May 25 2004,5:57)]Right now i know of 4 definiates that will be needing room budies. or atleast in the same hotel.

LionOfJudah (3rd person woot)
LoJ - Call Elihu about room arrangements. He's already hosting Rizz for his stay in the states.

If you're still planning on travelling to Tulsa this weekend, please e-mail me at tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org and Elihu and I can help you work out room arrangements.

Going to lock this thread to prevent further confusion.
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