David discussion


Well, the daily bible reading is really skipping all over the place, huh? Well...rather than breaking it up into separate books, as I was hoping, I'm making a topic to cover what we are currently reading. We'll be reading about David for awhile.

Well, what we've read the last few days is showing us a bit of who David is. This truly is a "man after God's own heart." Even while being pursued by Saul, he turns to God in praise. Knowing, and understanding He is the final judge. He is where our help comes from. And ultimately, God is always in control.

An interesting example in 1 Samuel is the part with Nabal and Abigail. This is sanwiched right in between two situations where David had the chance to kill Saul, but he chose not to. And these show David's character as strong and righteous. But then in the middle, is the story of Nabal, and David's desire to kill him. Totally different character. It took Abigail to open David's eyes. Ultimately, God is in control and things will happen on his timing. David waited it out, allowing God to deal with Nabal. I picture David skipping with joy, not necessarily because Nabal was killed, but because he waited on the Lord.

Saul and, unfortuantely Jonathan died in today's reading. This will lead to David's next big step...the throne.
2 Samuel 1 - 4, Psalms 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21


Boy! We see two totally different aspects of David. On one hand, he's very merciful. Showing mercy to his enemies. He sang a song exalting Saul. Would you do that for someone who was pursuing to kill you? And in the Psalms, he demonstrates such a strong passion and understanding for God. Psalm 16:2 says, "Apart from you I have no good thing." 16:8 says "I have set the Lord always before me." One of my favorite verses is Psalm 19:14, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight."

...and yet, David had such trouble with women. 2 Samuel 3:2-5 lists out 6 sons each born from a DIFFERENT mother. Pretty funny if you take a peak back at Deuteronomy 17:17. In regards to a king, Moses says, "He must not take many wives, or his heart willbe led astray." And in 2 Samuel 5, David will add even more wives/concubines. As we will see, all of this will come to bite him later. One of my commentaries said these marriages were political marriages. Stating that even his marriage with Michal, Saul's daughter, was essentially a political marriage.

Note that David did not immediately gain the throne of all Israel. He first ruled Judah for seven and a half years from the city of Hebron.

Ishbosheth's accusation of Abner was a mistake. Ishbosheth was implying that Abner was attempting to take over the throne. Leading to Abner's outrage. He probably felt mistrusted and could not properly remain under Ishbosheth.
Psalm 133

(I think the bibleinayear.org website might be a little messed up. We only had one little short chapter to read today. If fact, I'm starting to wonder if I won't actually be reading the full bible. The other day, they had us re-read a chapter in Chronicles we had already read. So, anyway, I don't think it's quite right.)

Well, let's look at Psalm 133. I've heard the phrase "How good and how pleasant ....." many times, but now that I have meaning behind it, I get a whole new understanding. David wrote this phrase most likely out of the disunity Israel had under Saul. The community was getting tired of him and they saw Saul slipping away spiritually. Remember when Saul gave a command to kill the priests and his own people did not obey? He was bringing on lots of disunity among the people. When David became king, the unity came back. We just read yesterday in 2 Samuel 5:1 how "all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron."

133:2 mentions oil running down Aaron's beard. This is a reference to Exodus 29:7 which says, "take the anointing oil and anoint him by pouring it on his head." This signified complete consecration for God's service.

And 133:3 is saying that just like the dew falling on Mount Zion will bring plentiful fruit, so will the brotherly unity mentioned in verse 1.
I also noticed that we only had one short reading for Friday.  In fact, I was kinda disappointed.  Especially after the day before's reading with those mile long names...LOL  
 Thank God you're here to shed some light on things SSquared...phew!

I have a wonderful praise report.  My son, 22 years old who no longer lives at home, is turning his life back to the Lord... Hallelujah!!!  He has been drinking, smoking  weed, and just basically away from the Lord.  Well a rock bottom situation happened in his life, and he has turned back to the Lord and is on fire.  Praise God.  We are going to go to church tomorrow together.  Please continue to pray for my husband Roger and my daughter Leslie to come back to the Lord.  I know this is probably not the place to post this, but it is basically the only part of the forum I come to.  What an awesome God we serve.
Wow, I've really noticed over the last couple of days that it appears we are in a hurry to catch up on readings or something!!! From one chapter to 5 and more all of a sudden. Maybe somebody noticed there was a problem and that we were going to end up behind schedule to make the whole bible within a year.

Anyway I am thorougly enjoying the Psalms, as they always rejoice and worship in the Lord, and they are a constant reminder that we need to worship and praise Him always. I hope the abundant amount of daily reading over the last few days hasn't caused anyone to drop off from continuing in their quest to read the bible in a year.

God Bless all of you and keep you faithful!
I know. The reading seems to be a little awkward.

I've been keeping up, but there has been SO much information, I don't even know where to start discussing. Also, I have been trying to limit my computer time. I usually read these forums in the morning and now and then during the day, and post here and there. Then I post my biblical thoughts/research at night when I have more time. The problem is, I've gotten into a late night pattern where once I'm on-line at night, I just stay up until 12:30 or 1:00. I need to stop doing that. And...I'm very black and white. So, that nature makes me just completely stay away at night.

That is great news about your son. I continue to pray for your family.

My wife and kids will be out tonight, that will give me some free time earlier in the night to maybe get some stuff written up.
2nd Samuel 7, 1 Chronicles 17

Essentially, these are the same thing. There are some differences, but I won't cover those.

I admit, perhaps I am taking these out of their context, but I have used these passages as an example of:
1) Asking God for something
2) Listening to His reply
3) Following through with what He says

David has a good idea. In our minds, it sounds like a GREAT idea, in fact. I mean...building a beautiful sanctuary for God? What's the harm in that?

But God's reply is "Not you but your son." Woah! David is told no. The most interesting part, though, is David's response. He praises God with the answer...and obeys.

These passages have taught me about following through with God's answers/responses to our prayers. If God says 'no', then forget about it. If God says 'wait', then wait. And if He says 'yes', then do what He says.
2nd Samuel 13-15

Well...CGA has been down for awhile and is now back up. So let's get back to discussing the reading. Anyone have any thoughts or questions or anything?

Well...the first thought that came to me regarding today's reading was 'sin has consequences'. Even a wonderful man of God like David. He still sinned. Sinned bad. And now as we are reading, it is starting to get back at him. He also did not set a very good example to his children. And we see that as well in the reading.

13:21 tells us of David's anger over the situation between Amnon and Tamar, but David never does anything about it.

Later, Absalom kills Amnon. What is going on with David's family? It's the sickness of sin penetrating in. By the end of our reading, Absalom is on a path to take over the throne from David. David is once again on the run, but this time from his own son. How sad.

I don't know if David was prideful, or felt his own guilt over Bathsheba, but he stood there doing nothing in these situations. Even after Absalom came back to Jerusalem, David said he did not want to see his face. That's certainly not a way to encourage your children.

These chapters just leave me sort of sick, or, well, saddened. But one good thing from it is David still knows God is in charge. That's why he decides to leave the ark in Jerusalem. We had read about Saul who thought the power was in the ark. Well...the ark was stolen because of it. David realized God is the only source of true power and whether or not the ark goes with him, God will accomplish His plan.
2nd Samuel 16-18

Nathan's prophecy from 2nd Samuel 12:11-12 is fulfilled in 16:21-22. Absalom publically lies with David's concubines. One thing to point out is, for that time, taking a king's wives/concubines meant you were taking over the throne. But in this case, it was also a son.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this when I realized it a few months ago. Amazingly, mules and donkeys were a sign of royalty. It's hard to imagine with today's thinking. But that's why Jesus came riding in on a donkey. Also, we read several times in today's reading about it. Chapter 16 starts out with Ziba giving David some donkeys. In 18:9, Absalom is riding upon a mule when he gets caught in the tree.
2nd Samuel 22-23, Psalm 57

I wasn't actually planning on writing anything tonight, but after reading Psalm 57, I was walloped with a thought and just wanted to share it.

This is sort of a situation where a lot of little things suddenly add up to one huge thing. That's what I felt tonight from Psalm 57. Here is David, running from Saul, and David once again, turns to God, puts his trust in God, and praises God.

We have read time and time again of tough situations David has been in. Running away from Saul. Being pursued by Absalom, his own son. Fighting Goliath. Deep mourning. Even being confronted by Nathan regarding his sin with Bathsheba. Today, I guess, is the night I was really struck with David's constant focus on God being in control and the one to trust. Even in situations where he had the upper hand (he had a few chances to kill Saul, and certainly had the might to wipe out Absalom), he laid his trust in God. Knowing He would allow things to happen in His time and in His way.
[yawn] I really DID yawn. Sorry. I haven't really been on at night to write anything up. I crashed about 9 last night. And today I have just been really exahausted. My mind really isn't focused at all, so writing something is sorta difficult at the moment. I hope to recover and get back to business soon.

It could have just been a wearying weekend with 3 full days of the kids. I know, I know, my wife gets that EVERY day. I don't know how she does it.
1st Chronicles 26-29
Psalm 127

Our buddy David passes on the throne to his son Solomon today. Everything is in place to start building God's temple. I know it can be a little boring reading all those people's names, but I really like how detailed they kept it. I like finding out, oh this family did such and such, and "Oh, yeah, I remember reading that name", it all comes to life through the accuracy of the records.

Well, I really want to focus on the Psalm we read today. I was floored and wowed. I always really enjoy verses talking about Christ as our foundation. This Psalm is an excellent reminder to place Christ first. What is the purpose of what we do without Christ being the center? It's so funny. At work I sometimes get stuck on a problem and work and work at it for hours. Then, I'll remember to pray...and within a minute it's resolved. That has happened so many times, it's amazing. Well, I just want to point out the good reminder this Psalm is.
Wow, great to have you back S2. Personally I was in awe of Psalm 139. It's just awesome to read about the details in our lives and God's concern with those details. Absolutely amazing isn't it? It's good to read and remind ourselves from time to time about how much of our lives God concerns Himself with. We have a tendency to forget sometimes, or at least I know I do. God Bless you all!!!
I agree.
I like both 139:13 and Jeremiah 1:5. God FORMED us in the womb. I use these verses as prayers for unborn children.

And the intimacy to which Psalm 139 proclaims God knowing us is amazing. Nothing gets by Him. Does He really care if one piece of hair is to the left and another to the right? Probably not. But the fact He knows that it IS just blows me away. This is why it should be so easy to tell Him our heart. He already knows it. We can't hide anything from Him anyway.