Editor's Choice Edition Screenshots!

You can start downloading it now!!!!!

Includes Gamespot, Unreal Admin download links as well as a Bit Torrent link (If you don't know about Bit Torrent, check
here). I'm on the Bit Torrent link now - not terribly fast at first (about 13 KB/s), but I'm getting upwards of 35 kb/s now.

Edit: Rizz, you're gonna love it, there's a stunt Onslaught map in there, complete with ramps the launch you through hoops of fire!

PS - sorry about not hooking up last weekend, things have been nuts here. Ditto this weekend. I'll try and grab you on ICQ or MSN some night and we'll up the server to show you the admin stuff.
Swwweeeeet i cant wait till i finish two weeeks later man
Aw man i finelly installed it today it was sweetors man paledin is so tight the flying thing flys very well and i love how the hover thing shoots its so fast is anything else new
I only just managed to look at the new stuff today. The two land vehicles are a welcome edition, they'll really mix up the gameplay a fair bit, especially that long range bomber (some one needs to create an "Artillary Duel/Scorched Earth" map
). The Cicada looks amazing and those missles are tight!! But I found it hard to drive...so far.

4 new maps look great...one reacurring theme I've noticed: RAMPS. They seem to be all over the place in some of these maps, set up short cuts to the various nodes. Crazy. And I love the water in Island Hop, looks great!