

Active Member
I was just updating my blog with a custom favicon (the icon that shows up next to the url in the browser or next to the title in a tab) and I happened to notice that this site does not have one. Is this by choice or oversight?

Would you like one?
That's a good question. I don't see why we wouldn't; anyone else have any other opinions?
Because I'm really really bored since work is a bit slow (i.e. dead and hasn't moved in days) at the moment, I fiddled with an idea. I took your logo from the website and made it a bit more. . .bubbly.

If you click on the image you can see what the favicon would look like (at least in Firefox - doesn't work in IE 7.0) since it appears on the tab and next to the URL. Below is the actual ico file with 64, 48, 32, & 16px versions embedded in it.

ico File

Feel free to reject it and criticize/mock me in the process. It served its purpose of giving me something to do for an hour and your criticism/mocking would entertain me for another hour or so.
How on earth did I miss this last September? My apologies, sir.

I've set the icon you've provided as the CGA favicon. All users should be able to see the favicon after restarting their browser or clearing their browser cache.

The icon looks great! Thanks, Patriot! :)
Well, I just thought it would be fun to reply to my own post exactly 1 year later (off by an hour or so). But hey, glad you're using the favicon. I could always come up with something different if you want.
Well, I just thought it would be fun to reply to my own post exactly 1 year later (off by an hour or so). But hey, glad you're using the favicon. I could always come up with something different if you want.
This one works great!

I may ask for a different favicon after we settle on a new forum skin (after we upgrade the forums to vBulletin 4) depending on that skin's color scheme. But I'll let you know if I decide to be that picky. :)