This is one of my favorite verses:
Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much.
-Luke 16:10 (NRSV)
MY younger brother and I have a laying-hen operation, and we sell our eggs using a help-yourself honor system. This allows customers to buy eggs at any time during the day. One evening when I went in to sort eggs, I noticed $51 lying on the counter. I wondered if someone had simply mislaid the money. I had two options: I could pocket the money and keep it for myself, or I could put the money in an envelope and save it in case someone came back for it. I chose to put the money in an envelope.
The next day, an older man came to claim his lost money. My brother gave him the money, and the man was deeply grateful. He insisted on giving us five dollars for our honesty.
If we choose to take money or possessions that do not rightfully belong to us, we are stealing. We have many opportunities to live dishonestly. But God smiles on us when we choose to obey the Bible's admonitions and live honestly.
Jesse Driver (Virginia, U.S.A.)
Dear God, help us each day to be honest in all we do, as a witness to your ways. Amen.