Gotta share this stuff!


New Member
Guess what guys? God answers prayer!!! Yes, it's true.

In the last four days God has given me two things I've prayed about for a while: a Christian girl to hang with and letting me be an RA next year! I haven't had so much joy in soo long...things go better when you put them in God's hands!

It's true...when we give things to God and earnestly seek His face, He does answer our prayers. Just remember to stay steadfast, and not let all the good things that are happening take your eyes away from Jesus. Especially the girl thing. Girls are the devil, always remember that

ps - Jess is smitten w/you
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mahfrot @ Feb. 07 2003,2:31)]Girls are the devil, always remember that  
So, Mahfrot, what you're saying here is that "lots of people talking, few of them know, that soul of a woman was created below"?

Hrm. Though I understand the tone of the joke, I still caution against making such generalizations even in jest. (Especially considering that there is now the possbility of young ladies reading our forums.) Classic rock music tells us that the world is filled with evil women ("Dazed and Confused" and "Heartbreaker" by Led Zeppelin, "Layla" by Derek and the Dominoes, "Black Magic Woman" by Santanna, "Crosstown Traffic" by Jimi Hendrix), but there are still many kind, sweet, Christian young ladies out there today. Well, perhaps "many" is an overly optimistic statement, but they do exist.

So, TastyWheat, I rejoice with you, knowing that such wonderful young ladies are rare on this earth.
smile.gif're basically in charge of a bunch of at Houghton not only would you be there for "police" matters but also to be counselor and spiritual advisor to the d00ds

awesome way to spread God's wealth
K, Tek, maybe I was a little harsh. Not all girls are the devil, like you said. It's what the devil can do to a nice relationship with a decent girl that makes matters suck...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Shark @ Feb. 11 2003,4:27)]K, Tek, maybe I was a little harsh. Not all girls are the devil, like you said. It's what the devil can do to a nice relationship with a decent girl that makes matters suck...
Well put, Mahfrot.
And considering the evil I have seen the female gender perpetrate, I understand the origins of your original statement. As stated earlier, most classic rock consists of songs lamenting the love of evil women. The Bible itself spends a few chapters dedicated to the same subject--evil women--in Proverbs. There is certainly a capacity for women to take on the guise of innocence to cause horrendous heartache.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Conan, the Librarian! "I'm sorry, these books are alittle late." *chops man in half* Conan, the Librarian!

Rock ON, Shark. *grin*
I liked a gurl once.... Then I dropped off the face of the earth a year later. Thats about the extent of me and the other half of humanity right there, yep.
Tek... Layla was by Eric Clapton.... I can't believe I actually know that.

Anyway, have fun Tasty, just don't go and do something you'll regret.