Great Article from NASL - Breaking the Trends

Love it as well. Especially the Zerg part. How often people say zerg is way underpowered, but they can dominate any player they are up against.
How often people say zerg is way underpowered, but they can dominate any player they are up against.
Sure. If Zerg is played by a semi-pro or professional player.

For those of us who can't afford to turn SC2 into a full-time job or for those of us who aren't RTS savants, Zerg just isn't a viable option if we want to win a 1v1 against a player at or near our skill level.

Is it still fun to take 8 mutalisks around the back of an enemy's base and annihilate their mineral line? Certainly. But if we forget Spawn Larvae twice in a match, well, it's over.

Yes, I played Zerg in Brood War and yes, I'm biased.

Well I heard it pretty simply put by a Zerg GM player. He said as Zerg you basically build the counter attack to what someone builds. The key is constantly scouting. Going 4 gate you go roachs. They got mech tanks banshees anything other than thors you could go mutas and lings. And mmm you'd go infester play. But again the key to that would be to scout
Yeah, zerg is very reactive. I think the game is very, very balanced right now, but I do wish zerg had a slightly different play style. The macro is tedious, and playing reactively is not fun imo. Also, it seems like zerg doesn't have really good openers right now. I'm hoping that changes and that zerg will be able to harass a bit more in the early game without taking a big hit to their economy. Aside from that, zerg can be a really scary race to matchup against as protoss or terran.
Yeah, zerg is very reactive. I think the game is very, very balanced right now, but I do wish zerg had a slightly different play style. The macro is tedious, and playing reactively is not fun imo.
This. A hundred times this.

I played Zerg in Brood War offensively. Yes, I tried to scout so I knew what was coming, but I didn't have to play with a reactive style to win. Zerg put the pressure on, kept the pressure on, and eventually overwhelmed the enemy with force in Brood War. They didn't politely ask what their enemy was doing. They kicked down the front door and trashed their living room.

Blizzard put a top hat and a monocle on the Swarm and it just doesn't feel right.
Yeah, zerg is very reactive. I think the game is very, very balanced right now, but I do wish zerg had a slightly different play style..
I feel it's pretty balanced too. However I would say tanks are a little OP. They're extremely difficult to deal with as zerg, especially when they're on the high ground.

The macro is tedious, and playing reactively is not fun imo.
Funny thing is I switched from Protoss to Zerg for this very reason. I found that I was so bored with Protoss and Terran bores me even more. I love always being busy with Zerg and I love the challenge. I definitely lost a lot of games in 1v1 when I first switched to Zerg. But now that my macro is getting better it's picking up. I probably win about 75% of my games now.[/QUOTE]

Also, it seems like zerg doesn't have really good openers right now. I'm hoping that changes and that zerg will be able to harass a bit more in the early game without taking a big hit to their economy. Aside from that, zerg can be a really scary race to matchup against as protoss or terran.
I find that Protoss is an easy win. Terran definitely scares me though. Those tanks demolish the Zerg.

*NOTE* I also played Zerg in BW.
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Funny thing is I switched from Protoss to Zerg for this very reason. I found that I was so bored with Protoss and Terran bores me even more. I love always being busy with Zerg and I love the challenge. I definitely lost a lot of games in 1v1 when I first switched to Zerg. But now that my macro is getting better it's picking up. I probably win about 75% of my games now.

I love this challenge as well. I want the game to punish me when I make mistakes.