Guild RvR 2


New Member
Hey guys, I just wanted to thank everyone who came out on Thursday night, we had a good turn out.  We had at least 10 KoT members in thid at one point.  The only down side was that the mids were fairly scarce.  Things got a bit better later, when there were about 5 of us left, we had a couple heated fights.

Anyway, to the point.  I understand this is pretty short notice again, but if anyone wants to come out, I want to do it again on Saturday night (the 10th).  We will start again at 8:00 Est.

Hopefully Albion wont have the center keep this time so if there are no mids out we can at least get everyone credit for taking the keep.
I am most likely not going to be there. Unless my in-laws are mids. Come to think of it my mother-in-law looks a little dwarfish.
I will be there with zebite again providing nothing intervenes.
