GW2 - First Expansion Pack

Henceforth all charr shall be named "Fluffy" to make them appear more friendly.
@ Brydon

Remember Ascalon! Never forget!

Any Ascalonian will tell you that we actually love the Charr. Check out these Charr boots. And these Charr gloves. Oh, and of course, this Charr-skin armor. Back home, my Charr leather chair is very comfortable; almost as much as my Charr-skin rugs.

I think I should probably go into leatherworking for my crafting profession. Its one of the few crafting skills that really gives one true job satisfaction.
@ Brydon

Remember Ascalon! Never forget!

Any Ascalonian will tell you that we actually love the Charr. Check out these Charr boots. And these Charr gloves. Oh, and of course, this Charr-skin armor. Back home, my Charr leather chair is very comfortable; almost as much as my Charr-skin rugs.

I think I should probably go into leatherworking for my crafting profession. Its one of the few crafting skills that really gives one true job satisfaction.

I've always hated the Charr ever since I started with GW2, just didn't like them. What's up with Ascalon and all this valid Charr -hate? I might want to get in on this so I actually have a reason to hate them other than just hating them...


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I want to see Cantha and Elona in the expacs. Mostly because I found those areas far more interesting than the nearly stock western fantasy realm of Tyria.
I agree. I'd really like to see Cantha and Elona in future expansions, too. I'd also like to see some profession and weapon expansion, too. And I hope they bring back Fort Aspenwood. That was sooooo much fun.

(I really love roleplaying an Ascalonian human with a grudge against Charr. Its personally kinda fun and its helping me understand some of the lore in Guild Wars. So I hope everyone enjoys the play-acting banter.) ;)