

New Member
Anyone as ready as i am for Halo 2?.... Im the masta at the original but im wantin some challengers when it comes out on xbox live unfortunately in september!!..I play ghost recon on xbox live, but thats bout it ; P....I have the halo demo and it wreaks, a rating of 7/10,but its still fun.. later.
Yeah the campaign does get repatative but hookin up 4 xboxs and havin 16 people with all rockets on wizard is just crazy....spending countless hours playin that is awesome mwuhaha..I dont like playin the campaign much even though you can get good from playin the flood on legendary : P....

Hey, cool! another Xbox gamer.

Have you signed up with our TOJ Xbox Live group yet?

Go to http://www.toj.cc and you can do it there.

Also, we have the Xbox Forums under the Tribe of Judah section and you can post Xbox related stuff there.
We just figured out that we can jack into the ethernet jacks in the dorm rooms and play across campus. http://www.boxkosh.com is going to be the site we set up as a matchmaker and a hub for communication between all people at my university with an X-Box. Sorry, I don't have X-Box live, I refuse to pay for it (and the x-box is modded).

BoxKosh will be working in about 12 hours, we're just waiting for the domain name registration to go through.
nub xbox, get halo pc
Halo for PC is actually a joke, i couldn't believe they would make a game so awesome, so crappy for PC..Xbox isn't Newb it ownz all the other systems
! ...hehe later
bah you know what i mean by other systems...gamecube ps2 etc.... i agree PC is the ultimate gaming system...but i meant consoles...sorry for the confusion, halo for pc got 7.0 by alot of review sites...and i agree with em.. Later
Well, yeah, I'm not a fan of consoles either, but my main complaint about Halo for PC is that its performance makes PCs look bad. Unlearned mainstream console gamers can look at it and say "Hyuk hyuk *snort* Yer brand new 'puter can barely run that three year old game? *snort hyuk, XBox rules."

Seriously...the game is old. Is it necessary for it to bog down a system that much when it doesn't even look that good?
yeah its kinda sad when you get about 6 people in the game and it lags so much that can't snipe worth crap,cuz i like them headshots : )..but in the console field xbox is #1,ps2 has those icky graphix besides some games and gamecube, they just outdated heh, i think they gonna end up like Sega heh..Destroy All Dial-Up!!
Well, I'll say first off that I hate all consoles to begin with, but the XBox is a little different...in the XBox, I see potential...potential for it to become a low-end, extremely cheap dedicated Linux server
! If I ever buy one, that will be its exclusive purpose. I won't even buy any XBox games.
pfft....im sorry you feel that way cause xbox is a console of ownage
it is a nice piece of work and its the best out right now..PC gamin is the best...theres just more out there
Console + 0wnage = contradiction in terms. No console 0wns PC games, and I've yet to see any console game that was good enough to pull me away from similar or equivalent PC games. And besides, being used as a dedicated Linux server is indeed a high calling for any machine. If XBox 0wns because of anything, it's that, and it's that only because you can get the hardware for under $200.
The only game worth buying xbox for is halo, the rest are crap or are on other systems. PS2 owns xbox in that regard.
Argh!!...Xbox is clearly an overall winner though..type in "the best console" at google and xbox comes up more than gamecube and ps2 combined..it also has many games worth buying...just not in your interest..i just got Xbox Connect and it rox...if anyone plays, my s/n is OmEgBuLe...
Later : )
[b said:
Quote[/b] (OmEgBuLe @ Feb. 29 2004,12:17)]Argh!!...Xbox is clearly an overall winner though..type in "the best console" at google and xbox comes up more than gamecube and ps2 combined.
So, it has more obsessed fan boys, thats all.

OMG!!11 ><b0x 0wnz0rz j00 OMGROFL!11!1oneone!@11!!