Tek7 (Legacy)
CGA & ToJ President
Greetings, all. As you all have noticed, we are less than one month away from the first Christian Gamers Alliance Convention. I'd like to thank everyone who's helped so far and call on more helpers in "the home stretch."
I am currently in a rather overwhelming bind. I am trying to juggle several very important aspects of life (I am not at liberty to discuss them all, but I assure you that they are all, with the exception of the Job Search, positive things) and not doing as well as I had hoped. I simply do not have time to plan and execute this convention by myself. Elihu and others have been a great help, but Elihu also works as a Blockbuster store manager and cannot devote much time to arranging the convention at this point.
The web developer constructing the registration and payment page has since withdrawn from the project, so I need to replace him as soon as possible. Toward this end, I need someone proficient with PHP and mySQL programming. Familiarity with Paypal button links is a plus.
Next, I need a team to help promote this convention online. I have already supplied the promotional text; to my knowledge, no one has yet made use of this. I cannot stress how urgent it is that we get the word out about this convention as quickly as possible. This task takes no particular experience or skill; you need only create accounts on forums where you feel "advertisements" would get the most eye traffic and post the sample news copy I have provided there.
I would also like to have one other Tulsa resident help us talk to local churches. This person would also need to be in contact with the venues to ask any questions that might arise before the convention date. It would also be beneficial if this person could visit local churches and businesses and hand out convention flyers. I would, of course, reimburse your expenses for copies made.
I had originally planned to teach three sermons during the convention, but I have had to delay developing these sermons to look for a new job and take care of other pressing tasks. If you are 18 or over, have experience teaching others (youth ministry experience preferred), have a gift for teaching, and would like to teach during the convention, please contact me at tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org. Anyone offering to teach would need to submit an outline for their lesson at least seven (7) days before the convention.
We will begin taking payment for convention fees soon, but I would like to have a full event staff in place before doing so. Right now, I am doing the large bulk of the work involved in arranging the convention and I simply cannot continue doing so.
The convention will be a community event, so the community will decide how it turns out. It is already poised to be a huge success and guarantees to be fun, but I know it could be even greater if other people were to step up, take responsibility, and work towards that end.
If you would like to help with anything, please e-mail me at tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org with an honest review of your skills and experience and I will put you to work somewhere. There are twenty-three days left until the convention starts, so let's get to work!
I am currently in a rather overwhelming bind. I am trying to juggle several very important aspects of life (I am not at liberty to discuss them all, but I assure you that they are all, with the exception of the Job Search, positive things) and not doing as well as I had hoped. I simply do not have time to plan and execute this convention by myself. Elihu and others have been a great help, but Elihu also works as a Blockbuster store manager and cannot devote much time to arranging the convention at this point.
The web developer constructing the registration and payment page has since withdrawn from the project, so I need to replace him as soon as possible. Toward this end, I need someone proficient with PHP and mySQL programming. Familiarity with Paypal button links is a plus.
Next, I need a team to help promote this convention online. I have already supplied the promotional text; to my knowledge, no one has yet made use of this. I cannot stress how urgent it is that we get the word out about this convention as quickly as possible. This task takes no particular experience or skill; you need only create accounts on forums where you feel "advertisements" would get the most eye traffic and post the sample news copy I have provided there.
I would also like to have one other Tulsa resident help us talk to local churches. This person would also need to be in contact with the venues to ask any questions that might arise before the convention date. It would also be beneficial if this person could visit local churches and businesses and hand out convention flyers. I would, of course, reimburse your expenses for copies made.
I had originally planned to teach three sermons during the convention, but I have had to delay developing these sermons to look for a new job and take care of other pressing tasks. If you are 18 or over, have experience teaching others (youth ministry experience preferred), have a gift for teaching, and would like to teach during the convention, please contact me at tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org. Anyone offering to teach would need to submit an outline for their lesson at least seven (7) days before the convention.
We will begin taking payment for convention fees soon, but I would like to have a full event staff in place before doing so. Right now, I am doing the large bulk of the work involved in arranging the convention and I simply cannot continue doing so.
The convention will be a community event, so the community will decide how it turns out. It is already poised to be a huge success and guarantees to be fun, but I know it could be even greater if other people were to step up, take responsibility, and work towards that end.
If you would like to help with anything, please e-mail me at tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org with an honest review of your skills and experience and I will put you to work somewhere. There are twenty-three days left until the convention starts, so let's get to work!