Hispanics and the war

Que Pasa

Active Member
I'm not hispanic, nor do I claim to be.

That said, let me continue. I was browsing through two sites, QuePasa.cl and quepasa.com. I found some rather interesting information on the hispanic opinion of the war. In both of these sites there was a poll question concerning the war. One was "Do you think the war in Iraq be defeated swiftly by the United States and their allies?" - 83% said no. The other question was "Do you think George Bush has the right to intervene in a soverign country such as Iraq?" - 61% said no, 4% were undecided, 35% said yes.

Also, there were some political cartoons on quepasa.com that portrayed Bush in a rather poor light.
I am a half-Hispanic, and I claim to be.
Yeah I have a friend living down in Mexico who is surprised at the super negativity against Bush and this war. Kinda shocking.
Being half, I could care less what the fulls and halves think. This war is good. It is right. Whether or not it ends swiftly remains to be seen.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (d23-MasterD @ Mar. 27 2003,4:14)]Mexicans don't like Bush ? -.-
Everybody doesn't like Bush.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Yeah I have a friend living down in Mexico who is surprised at the super negativity against Bush and this war. Kinda shocking.

Not really shocking.
Wow real happy over here in the "NSpire corner". You don't like Bush, or are displeased with his decision to go to war?
The thing about Mexico is that the news down there is misrepresenting what he's been saying, like in his speeches, and the reasons behind his decisions, and aren't telling the Mexicans everything.
Bah. Mexicans are just disgruntled because we won't let them just walk into our country.

And...Que Pasa...what is that THING in your avatar? Get rid of that blasphemy this instant! I've downloaded music on many occassions, and there has NEVER ONCE been a big red guy standing with his hand on my shoulder.

And besides that, I never look that clueless and brainwashed.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ultima Avatar @ Mar. 27 2003,6:50)]Wow real happy over here in the "NSpire corner". You don't like Bush, or are displeased with his decision to go to war?
The thing about Mexico is that the news down there is misrepresenting what he's been saying, like in his speeches, and the reasons behind his decisions, and aren't telling the Mexicans everything.
No, I like Bush, its just that everybody else hates him (like I said).

I would say there are quite a few more people in the world who don't like him than there are people who do like him.
"The thing about Mexico is that the news down there is misrepresenting" is it realt misrepresented or are they just nonbiest if you watch the news in america its all america good iraq bad watch news in iraq its all iraq good american bad watch news not only in mexico but in any counry that is taking no part in this war and they dont say either are bad or good only what each has done or said they will do
Yeah, I think the news here is a bit biased by the fact that we're involved in the war. The best representations of the war would probably come from Switzerland or some other neutral country. Looking at news from other countries is better than just devouring all the patriotic periodicals that the United States can handle.
Actually, America's not really saying: America good Iraq bad...it's like the other way around. America's being a terrorist, Iraq's just a nation, repsect their privacy, America's being bad...
And uh, Mexicans do tend to be disgruntled about that Mustard. Trust me. Many of them enter illegally, or attempt to. Being refused entrance is a big thing down there, but hey.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ultima Avatar @ Mar. 30 2003,5:45)]Actually, America's not really saying: America good Iraq bad...it's like the other way around. America's being a terrorist, Iraq's just a nation, repsect their privacy, America's being bad...
When did this happen? Last time I checked the polls, most (75 or 80 percent) Americans support the war...
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I sure as **** hope this is a joke... Even as a joke it's in very bad taste.

Take what I said however you will. I can tell you first hand, however, that it's far from a joke. When you have to pull 250 Haitian, DomRep, or Cuban migrants out of the water and watch them for a week before repatriating them, then you'll probably understand the reality of it a little better.

Mexico, granted, is a different story. Namely, they face dehydration rather than drowning in their attempt to get in.
Oh it's just the protesters that seem to graze the front lines of our newspapers: protesters this, protesters that, America's not doing good while invading a country that never did anything...protesters do this, protesters do that.
America's main mass believes in this war, but the news centers alone on the freaking protesters.
There are pro-war protesters and they get media coverage. The problem is that the anti-war protesters always outnumber the pro-war people on the street. I suppose it has something to do with most pro-war people being conservative and most conservatives don't protest as much on the streets.
So it appears that it's a cool-headed, clear-thinking part of the masses that support the war. As such, they do so silently. That speaks for itself.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So it appears that it's a cool-headed, clear-thinking part of the masses that support the war. As such, they do so silently. That speaks for itself.
Um actually the reason is that there is actually very little reason to protest when the president is doing exactly what you want him to... The point of a protest is to PROTEST something, if you are only protesting other protestors, then you need to get a job.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (MeanMrMustard @ April 01 2003,11:26)]if you are only protesting other protestors, then you need to get a job.
The war has already started. The anti-war protestors should all get jobs now as well.
Agreed. It's no good protesting something that's already started, and that it would be moronic to try to stop.