Interesting Names


Officer SOE/LoE/Where's "here"?
Sometimes we see a name which is a good play on words, interesting, or just plain weird. What are the ones you have seen? Today I found these two, not sure of the class:
Quite Harmless (Truth in advertising maybe?:rolleyes:)
Space Man Spiff (A nod to Calvin and Hobbs there)
I saw "Oscar MeyerWeiner" (I think that is the way he spelled it) and had a little laugh.
War Peanut - a warrior makes me think of the old kids song "Found a Peanut"
I saw a guy named Ned Stark - he is a big player in Game of Thrones.
I'm enjoying that HBO series. Kinda want to get the books and see if they are just as good too
Haven't seen the series. I'm half way through the second book. I've enjoyed the style. They are not the best books I've ever read, but I am enjoying them. They do have some fairly racy portions but not overwhelmingly so.
Ya. HBO tries and Highlight those scenes but it's easy to fast forward. I have a book in the mail now. When I'm done with that I'll look into Game of Thrones.
One of the best puns ever, didn't catch the class, found on 9 rings.
Jerry Attics
Old thread but this name needs in it, found it in Pre.

Afflicted Outhouse - a monk if I am not mistaken.