Is it true?


New Member
First off, thanks for putting up with me in ur community, I'm still very new here :). Sorry for any typos too, and this all being on one line. As I'm on my phone atm. Is it true that in the asmodian ascension, they use tarot cards? I kinda blew past it on my cleric and was wondering if this was the case. if so, then don't worry about me rolling asmo lol. I know its a game but I don't want anything to do with that stuff.
I can't remember tarot cards specifically, but I remember having to collect 3 things....might have been cards. I kinda A.D.D.'d my way through quests by using the hints and don't really read through them.
It's possible. I'm Elyos, so I'm not sure. I know in the YouTube videos they focused on the fact that the Asmo characters ascend with the help of a fortune teller as opposed to an alchemist like on the Elyos side.
that kinda thing really bugs me. just a personal issue =\

edit: plus, the elyos are just remembering their past, correct? and if that's the case, i'd like to know why they have to go through ascension again, and why no one remembers them. no, i didn't read the quests very well lolz. it's beta, give me a break ;D
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