My husband and I have created characters on the percival server after hearing many good things about it. My character is a lvl 5 minstrel(singing praises to the Lord) named Jasmina and my husband has a lvl 5 Paladin named Blednnyn (offering healing and hope lol) We would both like to become a part of the Knights of Trinity. We are usually on in the evenings est although I can be found in game almost anytime. We also are on on saturdays in the afternoons. Thanks.
My husband and I have created characters on the percival server after hearing many good things about it. My character is a lvl 5 minstrel(singing praises to the Lord) named Jasmina and my husband has a lvl 5 Paladin named Blednnyn (offering healing and hope lol) We would both like to become a part of the Knights of Trinity. We are usually on in the evenings est although I can be found in game almost anytime. We also are on on saturdays in the afternoons. Thanks.