L4d Wed 9/1 Campaign


Tribe of Judah Left 4 Dead Chapter Leader
So, to give everyone plenty of time to download and extract the correct files, we are going to be playing City 17 So go download and get ready for come Half-life map infected killing fun.

Missed most of the night since Steam was down for over an hour at 5:30. T___T
For whatever reason, Valve hates me (as evidenced by my Steam ID being hard-coded in Team Fortress 2's autobalance function) and Whon (as evidenced by Steam farting and exploding nearly every Wednesday since L4D1 launched). I don't know what their deal is, but I'd like to resolve our differences.

What do you say, Gabe? Can we talk this out? Don't give hate a chance, y0.

EDIT: Downloading the latest version of the campaign now. Since it was last updated June 30, I'm almost certain I have an old version installed.
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w00t! I have the campaign downloaded, installed, and ready to go.
Just a reminder if someone wasn't in TF2 last night, I will more then likely be late for L4D tonight. I have a meeting until 7:30PM in a near by city. So, I may need Tek or someone to start up the lobby.

Note to Tek: if the server isn't working you may need to go to the GS website and click on the "mods" tab for the left 4 dead 2 server and click on the "steam update install" button. That should force the update to install if there is one. Doing so will cause our MOTD to revert to default, but I'll upload the correct one again later.
So this campaign was so much more fun than I remember it being last time I played it. Big thanks to Whon, Elihu, and Kidan for making playing through this campaign a blast (even with its double tanks).