Making the mouse sensitivity of UT3 feel more like UT2004


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Ever since i got UT3 for Christmas for the life of me I can not get used to the mouse acceleration with in this game. I tried disabling it via the UTInput.ini file.
My accuracy was still way off, and still felt like there was some sort of acceleration going on.

Well I ran across this tread over from beyondunreal forums titled, "Crotale's Ini tweaks." Here is a quote from the tread with regards to changing UT3 mouse sensitivity to feel like UT2004.
Source: Making the mouse sensitivity of UT3 feel more like UT2004

I made the changes quoted in the thread linked above and the controls feel so much more natural now.

I played a quick game of deathmatch with 2 bots of average skill to test the change in controls and immediately noticed the difference.

I'll probably still get pwned by Captain_Tea, ColdSteel, DannyMeister, and others, but at least now I don't have the controls to blame (and as odd as it may sounds, that is a very, very good thing).

Controls can make or break a FPS and I feel like someone just showed me how to fix a broken game with a few lines in an INI file. I highly recommend the guide linked above to anyone who shares my opinion that stock UT3 controls feel awkward compared to other FPS games.

Mouse acceleration and sensitivity are UT3-wide settings. Key-bindings like the ones in this tweak, that modify mousex and y rotation, are configurable for any gametype that uses its own input class. Therefore, make sure to copy your rotation settings into each mod's input section. If you don't the game-wide 0 acceleration and minimum sensitivity will make you barely be able to rotate at all. For example, if you are playing BTA or BTA freeze tag on our server, you need to copy your rotations into their respective settings in the [BattleTeamArena.BattlePlayerInput] section of UTInput.ini.

That warning aside, I do like this tweak. It feels a little more natural to me. I didn't have a preferred UT2004 sensitivity setting really, so I just experimented until I found the rotation rate that I liked best.